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Vincenzo Di Marzo

Professeur titulaire

Centre thématique de recherche en neurosciences
Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec
Nutrition, santé et société (NUTRISS)
Centre de recherche de l'IUCPQ
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Contribution à la recherche

Axe de recherche de l'Université Laval :

Santé et bien-être durables

Thématiques de recherche de la Faculté de médecine :

Bioinformatique / données massives (big data)
Neurosciences et santé mentale
Reproduction, génétique, périnatalité et développement
Santé cardiovasculaire, respiratoire et métabolisme

Domaines et intérêts de recherche du (de la) professeur(e) :

Neurosciences, santé mentale et toxicomanies
  • Récepteurs et transporteurs
  • Signalisation cellulaire
  • Troubles de l'alimentation
  • Activité nerveuse et synaptique
Nutrition et métabolisme
  • Appétit
  • Diabète
  • Maladies lipidiques
  • Obésité
  • Nutrition
  • Produits nutraceutiques et aliments fonctionnels
  • Métabolisme énergétique
  • Désordres métaboliques
  • Appareil digestif
Santé circulatoire et respiratoire
  • Maladies cardiovasculaires
  • Athérosclérose

Projets de recherche

  • Fonds institutionnel d'exploitation des infrastructures pour l'Université Laval - Fondation Canadienne pour l'innovation (La) - Fonds d'exploitation des infrastructures (FEI), co-chercheur - 2002-04-01 au 2025-03-31
  • Dissecting host-microbiome modifiers of type 2 diabetes risk - Objective 3.2 - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention d'équipe : Initiative canadienne microbiome 2 : Équipes de recherche, co-chercheur - 2019-11-01 au 2024-10-31
  • Dissecting host-microbiome modifiers of type 2 diabetes risk - Objective 1.1 - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention d'équipe : Initiative canadienne microbiome 2 : Équipes de recherche, co-chercheur - 2019-11-01 au 2024-10-31
  • Dissecting host-microbiome modifiers of type 2 diabetes risk - Objective 1.2 - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention d'équipe : Initiative canadienne microbiome 2 : Équipes de recherche, co-chercheur - 2019-11-01 au 2024-10-31
  • Dissecting host-microbiome modifiers of type 2 diabetes risk - Objective 1.3 - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention d'équipe : Initiative canadienne microbiome 2 : Équipes de recherche, co-chercheur - 2019-11-01 au 2024-10-31
  • Dissecting host-microbiome modifiers of type 2 diabetes risk - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention d'équipe : Initiative canadienne microbiome 2 : Équipes de recherche, co-chercheur - 2019-11-01 au 2024-10-31
  • Role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in HIV-associated chronic inflammation and comorbidities - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subventions d'équipe : Essai d'intervention sur l'inflammation pour les maladies chroniques - Preuve à impact, McGill University, co-chercheur - 2021-06-01 au 2024-05-31
  • FSAA --- Canada Excellence Research Chair on the microbiome-endocannabinoidome connection in metabolic health - Université Laval - Fonds internes, Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Programme de chaires d'excellence en recherche du Canada, chercheur principal - 2017-06-01 au 2024-05-31
  • Canada Excellence Research Chair on the microbiome-endocannabinoidome connection in metabolic health - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Programme de chaires d'excellence en recherche du Canada, chercheur principal - 2017-06-01 au 2024-05-31
  • FMéd --- Canada Excellence Research Chair on the microbiome-endocannabinoidome connection in metabolic health - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, Université Laval - Fonds internes - Programme de chaires d'excellence en recherche du Canada, chercheur principal - 2017-06-01 au 2024-05-31
  • Effets de lipides polaires laitiers sur l’intégrité intestinale, le système endocannabinoïde et le microbiote fécal chez le porcelet - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies - Projet subsidiaire d'un regroupement stratégique (pour fins de gestion au VRRCI), co-chercheur - 2023-01-16 au 2024-03-31
  • Institut sur la nutrition et les aliments fonctionnels (INAF) - Institut national de recherche scientifique (INRS), Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies, Université Laval - Fonds internes, Université McGill, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Université de Sherbrooke - Regroupements stratégiques NT, co-chercheur - 2017-04-01 au 2024-03-31
  • Nutrition and brain health, from predictive biology to disease prevention and treatment - Food4BrainHealth - Université Laval - Fonds internes, Université McGill, Université de Toronto, Institut national de la recherche agronomique - Réseau de recherche international (RRI), co-chercheur - 2019-03-18 au 2024-03-17
  • Characterization of the endocannabinoidome of a CDKL5 mouse model - CDKL5, chercheur principal - 2023-01-15 au 2024-01-15
  • FMÉD --- Support de Sentinelle Nord à l'Unité mixte internationale sur la recherche chimique et biomoléculaire de microbiome - Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements - Fonds d'excellence en recherche Apogée Canada, chercheur principal - 2017-06-01 au 2023-08-31
  • The role of full-fat dairy products on body weigth control and metabolic health in adults - Les producteurs laitiers du Canada - Dairy Research Cluster 3, co-chercheur - 2018-09-01 au 2023-03-31
  • Assessment of the direct effects of propolis on the gut microbiome utilizing the Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME) - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies - Projet subsidiaire d'un regroupement stratégique (pour fins de gestion au VRRCI), co-chercheur - 2022-02-01 au 2023-01-31
  • FSAA --- Support de Sentinelle Nord à l'Unité mixte internationale sur la recherche chimique et biomoléculaire de microbiome - Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements - Fonds d'excellence en recherche Apogée Canada, chercheur principal - 2016-11-29 au 2022-08-31
  • Programme de soutien aux nouveaux chercheurs - Université Laval - Fonds internes - Soutien facultaire aux jeunes chercheurs de la Faculté de médecine, chercheur principal - 2019-07-01 au 2022-06-30
  • Microbiome-In-GutVitro: étude préliminaire de séquençage multi-règnes pour le développement d’une approche analytique dans l’identification de microorganismes non-bactériens membres du microbiome intestinal en système M-SHIME - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé - Projet subsidiaire - Nouveaux Centres et Instituts de recherche - Subventions régulières (pour fins de gestion au VRRCI), co-chercheur - 2021-06-09 au 2022-06-08
  • Supplément de stage - Étude de l'impact de la transplantation fécal sur l'amélioration du diabète après la chirurgie bariatrique - Sorbonne Université, chercheur principal - 2022-01-05 au 2022-05-31
  • Étude de l'impact de la transplantation fécal sur l'amélioration du diabète après la chirurgie bariatrique - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé - Réseaux thématiques de recherche, chercheur principal - 2021-02-15 au 2022-03-31
  • FEI du projet : Study of the role of the gut microbiome-endocannabinoidome axis in metabolic health and its therapeutic exploitation - Fondation Canadienne pour l'innovation (La), chercheur principal - 2019-04-01 au 2020-03-31


  • Activity-based protein profiling reveals off-target proteins of the FAAH inhibitor BIA 10-2474, Mario van der Stelt, Steven A. Kushner, Benjamin F. Cravatt, Mauro Maccarrone, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Chris I. De Zeeuw, Thomas Hankemeier, Herman S. Overkleeft, Luciano De Petrocellis, Giel Hendriks, Bogdan I. Florea, Ilse L. Baak, Hans den Dulk, Elliot D. Mock, Marjolein Soethoudt, Tom van der Wel, Zhanmin Lin, Filomena Fezza, Marco Allarà, Hui Deng, Femke M. S. de Vrij, Marc P. Baggelaar, Vasudev Kantae, Mark van der Kroeg, Guy Shpak, Daisuke Ogasawara, Armand B. Cognetta, Antonius P. A. Janssen, Annelot C. M. van Esbroeck, Science, 2017, 10.1126/science.aaf7497
  • Rimonabant precipitates anxiety in rats withdrawn from palatable food: Role of the central Amygdala, Cottone, P., Zorrilla, E.P., Di Marzo, V., Iannotti, F.A., Orlando, P., Rice, K.C., Steardo, L., Petrosino, S., Sabino, V., Iemolo, A., Blasio, A., 2013, 10.1038/npp.2013.153
  • Pharmacological modulation of the endocannabinoid system in a viral model of multiple sclerosis, Guaza, C., Di Marzo, V., Ortar, G., Valenti, M., Molina-Holgado, E., Arévalo-Martín, A., Correa, F., Mestre, L., 2005, 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2004.02979.x
  • MicroRNA-mediated repression of endocannabinoid CB1 receptor expression contributes to simvastatin-induced skeletal muscle toxicity, Fabio Iannotti, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Raffaele Capasso, Fabiana Piscitelli, Claudia Moriello, Giuseppe Ercolano, Ester Pagano, Elisabetta Panza, Hilal Kalkan, 2022, 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2328769/v1
  • Endocannabinoid system and mood disorders: Priming a target for new therapies, Drago, F., Wotjak, C.T., Sulcova, A., Di Marzo, V., Micale, V., 2013, 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2012.12.002
  • Synthesis, binding assays, cytotoxic activity and docking studies of benzimidazole and benzothiophene derivatives with selective affinity for the CB2 cannabinoid receptor, Pessoa-Mahana, C.D., Di Marzo, V., Faúndez, M., Escobar, R., Iturriaga-Vásquez, P., Pessoa-Mahana, H., Torres, M.J., Allarà, M., Palmieri, V., Mella-Raipán, J., Romero-Parra, J., European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.08.005
  • A structure/activity relationship study on arvanil, an endocannabinoid and vanilloid hybrid, Martin, B.R., Razdan, R.K., Mahadevan, A.N.U., Kulasegram, S., Grier, M.C., Williams, W., Bisogno, T., Brandi, I., De Petrocellis, L., Griffin, G., Di Marzo, V., 2002, 10.1124/jpet.300.3.984
  • Genetic Manipulation of sn-1-Diacylglycerol Lipase and CB1Cannabinoid Receptor Gain-of-Function Uncover Neuronal 2-Linoleoyl Glycerol Signaling in Drosophila melanogaster, Harkany, T., Doherty, P., Keimpema, E., Di Marzo, V., Williams, M.J., Mackie, K., Cameron, G.A., Williams, G., Romani, S., Beiersdorf, J., Tortoriello, G., Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2021, 10.1089/can.2020.0010
  • Synthesis and biological evaluation of new N-alkyl 1-aryl-5-(1H-pyrrol-1- yl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamides as cannabinoid receptor ligands, Corelli, F., Dondio, G., Di Marzo, V., Colombo, G., Novellino, E., Sinisi, R., Rozio, M.G., Bigogno, C., Carai, M.A.M., Fantini, N., Allar, M., Pasquini, S., Brizzi, A., Lavecchia, A., Gatti, V., Piscitelli, F., La Regina, G., Ligresti, A., Silvestri, R., 2010, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2010.09.053
  • Endocannabinoids: A unique opportunity to develop multitarget analgesics, Di Marzo, V., Costa, B., Maione, S., 2013, 10.1016/j.pain.2013.03.023
  • Anandamide interferes with human endometrial stromal-derived cell differentiation: An effect dependent on inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 expression and prostaglandin E2 release, Teixeira, N., Correia-da-Silva, G., Di Marzo, V., Piscitelli, F., Amaral, C., Fonseca, B.M., Cunha, S., Almada, M., BioFactors, 2016, 10.1002/biof.1270
  • Structure-activity relationship for the endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide, and certain of its analogues at vanilloid receptors in transfected cells and vas deferens, Pertwee, R.G., Di Marzo, V., Craib, S.J., Pashmi, G., Leslie, M., Brockie, H.C., Gibson, T.M., Ross, R.A., 2001
  • Intuitive eating is associated with elevated levels of circulating omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acid-derived endocannabinoidome mediators, Veilleux, A., Di Marzo, V., Flamand, N., Martin, C., Lacroix, S., Perron, J., Castonguay-Paradis, S., Provencher, V., Rochefort, G., Appetite, 2021, 10.1016/j.appet.2020.104973
  • Endocannabinoid regulation in white and brown adipose tissue following thermogenic activation, Di Marzo, V., Heeren, J., Silvestri, C., Scheja, L., Borrino, S., Heine, M., Piscitelli, F., Krott, L.M., Journal of Lipid Research, 2016, 10.1194/jlr.M065227
  • Palmitoylethanolamide Supplementation during Sensitization Prevents Airway Allergic Symptoms in the Mouse, Angelo A. Izzo, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Raffaele Capasso, Alessio Peritore, Carla Cicala, Andrea Guarino, Armando Ialenti, Valentina M. Iacono, Maria A. Riemma, Pierangelo Orlando, Elisabetta Caiazzo, Antonietta Rossi, Fiorentina Roviezzo, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2017, 10.3389/fphar.2017.00857
  • Conformationally constrained fatty acid ethanolamides as cannabinoid and vanilloid receptor probes, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Pertwee, R.G., Taglialatela-Scafati, O., Allarà, M., Cascio, M.G., Minassi, A., Ligresti, A., Appendino, G., 2009, 10.1021/jm900130m
  • N-palmitoyl-ethanolamine: Biochemistry and new therapeutic opportunities, Di Marzo, V., Iuvone, T., Petrosino, S., 2010, 10.1016/j.biochi.2010.01.006
  • Synthetic bioactive olivetol-related amides: The influence of the phenolic group in cannabinoid receptor activity, Di Marzo, V., Pertwee, R.G., Manera, C., Maione, S., Corelli, F., Pessina, F., Mugnaini, C., Marini, P., Luongo, L., Ligresti, A., Gado, F., Frosini, M., De Petrocellis, L., Cascio, M.G., Boccella, S., Aiello, F., Brizzi, A., Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115513
  • FAAH Pro129Thr Variant Is Associated with Increased Cholesterol Levels in Normal-Weight Metabolically Unhealthy Subjects, Martínez-López, E., Di Marzo, V., Lopez-Cortes, O.D., Campos-Pérez, W., Vizmanos, B., Torres-Castillo, N., Sierra-Ruelas, E., Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, 2023, 10.1089/met.2023.0014
  • Non-psychotropic plant cannabinoids: new therapeutic opportunities from an ancient herb, Mechoulam, R., Di Marzo, V., Capasso, R., Borrelli, F., Izzo, A.A., 2009, 10.1016/j.tips.2009.07.006
  • Mechanisms of the anti-obesity effects of oxytocin in diet-induced obese rats, Rohner-Jeanrenaud, F., Di Marzo, V., Wahli, W., Foti, M., Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., Piscitelli, F., Petrosino, S., Bussier, A.-L., Caillon, A., Bourgoin, L., Veyrat-Durebex, C., Deblon, N., 2011, 10.1371/journal.pone.0025565
  • Arachidonic acid, protein kinase C activators and bud formation in Hydra vulgaris, Minei, R., Gianfrani, C., Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., 1993, 10.1016/0742-8413(93)90198-T
  • Endocannabinoid synthesis and degradation, and their regulation in the framework of energy balance., Di Marzo, V., Matias, I., 2006
  • Novel diterpenoid diacylglycerols from marine molluscs: Potent morphogens and protein kinase C activators, Di Marzo, V., Cimino, G., Ventriglia, M., Gavagnin, M., Orlando, P., De Petrocellis, L., 1996
  • Erratum to: Responses of peripheral endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid‑related compounds to hedonic eating in obesity (Eur J Nutr, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00394-016-1153-9), Maj, M., Calugi, S., Volpe, U., Piscitelli, F., El Ghoch, M., Aveta, T., Dalle Grave, R., Monteleone, P., Di Marzo, V., Monteleone, A.M., European Journal of Nutrition, 2016, 10.1007/s00394-016-1204-2
  • Periaqueductal gray metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 and 8 mediate opposite effects on amino acid release, rostral ventromedial medulla cell activities, and thermal nociception, Maione, S., Rossi, F., Di Marzo, V., Guida, F., Gatta, L., Vita, D., Cristino, L., Starowicz, K., De Novellis, V., Palazzo, E., Rossi, F., Marabese, I., 2007, 10.1152/jn.00356.2007
  • Role of Endocannabinoids and Cannabinoid-1 Receptors in Cerebrocortical Blood Flow Regulation, Benyó, Z., Pacher, P., Di Marzo, V., Sándor, P., Járai, Z., Lacza, Z., Benko, R., Horváth, B., Leszl-Ishiguro, M., Ruisanchez, É., Iring, A., 2013, 10.1371/journal.pone.0053390
  • Protective role of palmitoylethanolamide in contact allergic dermatitis, Di Marzo, V., Iuvone, T., Zimmer, A., Orlando, P., Saturnino, C., D'Amico, A., De Filippis, D., Bisogno, T., Tüting, T., Ueda, N., Gaffal, E., Karsak, M., Cristino, L., Petrosino, S., 2010, 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2009.02254.x
  • Diacylglycerol lipase is not involved in depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition at unitary inhibitory connections in mouse hippocampus, Mansvelder, H.D., Burnashev, N., Brussaard, A.B., Di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., Lodder, J.C., Canto, C.B., Heistek, T.S., Testa-Silva, G., Min, R., 2010, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.BC-3622-09.2010
  • Neuroscience: Identification and functional characterization of brainstem cannabinoid CB2 receptors, Sharkey, K.A., Patel, K.D., Pittman, Q.J., Di Marzo, V., Marnett, L.J., Davison, J.S., Piomelli, D., Makriyannis, A., Stella, N., Mackie, K., Urbani, P., Mouihate, A., Kingsley, P.J., Duncan, M., Van Sickle, M.D., Science, 2005, 10.1126/science.1115740
  • Cannabidiol: Pharmacology and potential therapeutic role in epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric disorders, Friedman, D., Whalley, B., Thiele, E., Rohrback, B.G., Robson, P.J., Martinez-Orgado, J., Notcutt, W.G., Jutras-Aswad, D., Di Marzo, V., Katz, R., Hill, C., French, J., Fernandez-Ruiz, J., Cross, H., Cilio, M.R., Devinsky, O., 2014, 10.1111/epi.12631
  • Preparation and characterization of Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol-loaded biodegradable polymeric microparticles and their antitumoral efficacy on cancer cell lines, Di Marzo, V., Torres, A.I., Molpeceres, J., Aberturas, M.D.R., Ligresti, A., Gil-Alegre, M.E., De La Ossa, D.H.P., Journal of Drug Targeting, 2013, 10.3109/1061186X.2013.809089
  • A new strategy to block tumor growth by inhibiting endocannabinoid inactivation, Di Marzo, V., Portella, G., Ligresti, A., Valenti, M., Laezza, C., Bifulco, M., 2004, 10.1096/fj.04-1754fje
  • Enantiospecific synthesis of bioactive hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETEs) in Hydra magnipapillata, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Muller, W., Leitz, T., 1994, 10.1016/0005-2760(94)90029-9
  • Deranged endocannabinoid responses to hedonic eating in underweight and recently weight-restored patients with anorexia nervosa, Maj, M., Monteleone, P., Calugi, S., El Ghoch, M., Scognamiglio, P., Dalle Grave, R., Piscitelli, F., Aveta, T., Di Marzo, V., Monteleone, A.M., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015, 10.3945/ajcn.114.096164
  • Analysis of anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid substance, and of other natural N-acylethanolamines, Piomelli, D., Cadas, H., Di Marzo, V., Fontana, A., 1995, 10.1016/0952-3278(95)90130-2
  • N-Acylethanolamine acid amidase (NAAA) is dysregulated in colorectal cancer patients and its inhibition reduces experimental cancer growth, Izzo, A.A., Borrelli, F., Di Marzo, V., Venneri, T., Sbarro, B., Capasso, R., D'Armiento, M., Aprea, G., De Luca, M., Malamas, M., Makriyannis, A., Lionetti, R., Cicia, D., Di Tella, F., Vanacore, G., Sparaco, R., Fiorino, F., Nanì, M.F., Lucariello, G., Brancaleone, V., Piscitelli, F., Iannotti, F.A., Pagano, E., Romano, B., British Journal of Pharmacology, 2022, 10.1111/bph.15737
  • Obesity-driven synaptic remodeling affects endocannabinoid control of orexinergic neurons, Marzo, V.D., Mackie, K., Bentivoglio, M., Orlando, P., Petrosino, S., Silvestri, C., Palomba, L., Ferrandino, I., Imperatore, R., Busetto, G., Cristino, L., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013, 10.1073/pnas.1219485110
  • Structure-based virtual screening: Identification of novel CB2 receptor ligands, Martinelli, A., Saccomanni, G., Ortore, G., Manera, C., Di Marzo, V., Cascio, M.G., Tuccinardi, T., 2007, 10.2174/157018007778992829
  • The endocannabinoid system in the basal ganglia and in the mesolimbic reward system: Implications for neurological and psychiatric disorders, Di Marzo, V., Van Der Stelt, M., 2003, 10.1016/j.ejphar.2003.08.101
  • Synthesis, biological activity and molecular modeling of new biphenylic carboxamides as potent and selective CB2 receptor ligands, Macchia, M., Manera, C., Novellino, E., Di Marzo, V., Marinelli, L., Bruno, A., Allarà, M., Ligresti, A., Saguto, S., Saccomanni, G., Arena, C., Savinainen, J.R., Parkkari, T., Bertini, S., 2015, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2014.11.066
  • Endocannabinoids and Related Compounds: Walking Back and Forth between Plant Natural Products and Animal Physiology, De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Di Marzo, V., 2007, 10.1016/j.chembiol.2007.05.014
  • Cell signalling: Why fasting worms age slowly, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., 2011, 10.1038/473161a
  • 1-Aryl-5-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide: An effective scaffold for the design of either CB 1 or CB 2 receptor ligands, Silvestri, R., Corelli, F., Di Marzo, V., Colombo, G., Novellino, E., Carai, M.A.M., Allar, M., Pasquini, S., Brizzi, A., Gatti, V., La Regina, G., Ligresti, A., Piscitelli, F., European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2011.09.037
  • Novel inhibitors of brain, neuronal, and basophilic anandamide amidohydrolase, Di Marzo, V., Marino, G., Yamamoto, S., Kurahashi, Y., Maurelli, S., Ueda, N., Melck, D., De Petrocellis, L., 1997, 10.1006/bbrc.1997.6000
  • Investigations on the 4-quinolone-3-carboxylic acid motif. 6. Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 7-substituted quinolone-3-carboxamide derivatives as high affinity ligands for cannabinoid receptors, Corelli, F., Di Marzo, V., Pertwee, R.G., Bolognini, D., Cascio, M.G., Caradonna, N.P., Brizzi, A., Mugnaini, C., Ligresti, A., De Rosa, M., Pasquini, S., 2012, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2012.09.035
  • Cannabinoid CB1 receptor elevation of intracellular calcium in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells: Interactions with muscarinic and δ-opioid receptors, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Palmery, M., Cristino, L., Moriello, A.S., Marini, P., 2009, 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2009.05.002
  • Trick or treat from food endocannabinoids? [4] (multiple letters), Piomelli, D., Beltramo, M., Mechoulam, R., Fride, E., Crozier, G., Berger, A., De Petrocellis, L., Sepe, N., Di Marzo, V., 1998
  • Endocannabinoid Tone Regulates Human Sebocyte Biology, Tamás Szabó, Tamás Bíró, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Jürg Gertsch, Christos C. Zouboulis, Ilona Kovács, Ágnes Pór, Marco Allarà, Fabiana Piscitelli, Simon Nicolussi, Andrea Aranyász, Erika Takács, Arnold Markovics, Attila Oláh, Nóra Zákány, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2018, 10.1016/j.jid.2018.02.022
  • Modulation of thermo-transient receptor potential (thermo-TRP) channels by thymol-based compounds, De Petrocellis, L., Di Marzo, V., Nalli, M., Morera, E., Schiano Moriello, A., Morera, L., Ortar, G., 2012, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2012.03.055
  • Analysis of cannabinoid receptor binding and mRNA expression and endogenous cannabinoid contents in the developing rat brain during late gestation and early postnatal period, Fernández-Ruiz, J.J., Di Marzo, V., Ramos, J.A., Sepe, N., Berrendero, F., 1999, 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2396(19990901)33:3<181::AID-SYN3>3.0.CO;2-R
  • Differential diurnal variations of anandamide and 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol levels in rat brain, Di Marzo, V., Parolaro, D., Steardo, L., Cascio, M.G., Rubino, T., Viganò, D., Valenti, M., 2004, 10.1007/s00018-003-3453-5
  • Iodinated N-acylvanillamines: Potential "multiple-target" anti-inflammatory agents acting via the inhibition of T-cell activation and antagonism at vanilloid TRPV1 channels, Di Marzo, V., Mũnoz, E., Appendino, G., Minassi, A., Schiano-Moriello, A., Macho, A., Caballero, F.J., De Petrocellis, L., Ḿarquez, N., 2006, 10.1124/mol.105.019786
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychotropic Cannabinoid, in Experimental Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Teresa Iuvone, Marco Allarà, Massimo Vaia, Roberta Verde, Stefania Petrosino, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2018, 10.1124/jpet.117.244368
  • The hypothalamic levels of the endocannabinoid, anandamide, peak immediately before the onset of puberty in female rats, Di Marzo, V., Fernandez-Ruiz, J., Bisogno, T., González, S., Fezza, F., Gerendai, I., Wenger, T., 2002, 10.1016/S0024-3205(01)01516-8
  • Design, synthesis, binding, and molecular modeling studies of new potent ligands of cannabinoid receptors, Di Marzo, V., Tuccinardi, T., Martinelli, A., Dinatolo, M.T., Bisogno, T., Brizzi, V., Cascio, M.G., Brizzi, A., 2007, 10.1016/j.bmc.2007.05.060
  • Biaryl tetrazolyl ureas as inhibitors of endocannabinoid metabolism: Modulation at the N-portion and distal phenyl ring, Di Marzo, V., Pirolli, A., Ragno, R., Nalli, M., Morera, L., Schiano Moriello, A., Ligresti, A., De Petrocellis, L., Morera, E., Ortar, G., 2013, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2013.02.005
  • Effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on endocannabinoid and N-acyl-ethanolamine levels in mouse adipocytes, Di Marzo, V., Banni, S., Petrosino, S., Murru, E., Carta, G., Matias, I., 2008, 10.1016/j.bbalip.2007.11.001
  • Second generation CB1 receptor blockers and other inhibitors of peripheral endocannabinoid overactivity and the rationale of their use against metabolic disorders, Di Marzo, V., Silvestri, C., 2012, 10.1517/13543784.2012.704019
  • Interactions between synthetic vanilloids and the endogenous cannabinoid system, De Petrocellis, L., Pertwee, R., Stevenson, L., Brockie, H., Ross, R., Melck, D., Bisogno, T., Di Marzo, V., 1998, 10.1016/S0014-5793(98)01175-2
  • Anxiolytic effects in mice of a dual blocker of fatty acid amide hydrolase and transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 channels, Di Marzo, V., Drago, F., Leggio, G.M., Petrosino, S., Tamburella, A., Cristino, L., Micale, V., 2009, 10.1038/npp.2008.98
  • Cannabimimetic fatty acid derivatives: The anandamide family and other 'endocannabinoids', Martin, B.R., Melck, D., De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Di Marzo, V., 1999
  • Use of palmitoylethanolamide in the entrapment neuropathy of the median in the wrist, Di Marzo, V., Schievano, C., Foster, P.S., Drago, V., Conigliaro, R., 2011
  • Elevation of endocannabinoid levels in the ventrolateral periaqueductal grey through inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase affects descending nociceptive pathways via both cannabinoid receptor type 1 and transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 receptors, Di Marzo, V., Rossi, F., Guglielmotti, V., Petrosino, S., Valenti, M., Cristino, L., Palazzo, E., De Novellis, V., Bisogno, T., Maione, S., 2006, 10.1124/jpet.105.093286
  • Orexin-A represses satiety-inducing POMC neurons and contributes to obesity via stimulation of endocannabinoid signaling, Cristino, L., Di Marzo, V., Orlando, P., Piscitelli, F., Buono, L., Sacchetti, L., Pasanisi, F., Labruna, G., Finelli, C., Palomba, L., Imperatore, R., Morello, G., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016, 10.1073/pnas.1521304113
  • Anandamide and AM251, via water, modulate food intake at central and peripheral level in fish, Carnevali, O., Di Marzo, V., Petrosino, S., Migliarini, B., Piccinetti, C.C., 2010, 10.1016/j.ygcen.2009.09.017
  • New metabolically stable fatty acid amide ligands of cannabinoid receptors: Synthesis and receptor affinity studies, Saturnino, C., Di Marzo, V., De Martino, G., Buonerba, M., Cascio, M.G., Cavallo, P., Urbani, P., 2006, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2005.09.023
  • RPeoseasrcshible anandamide and palmitoylethanolamide involvement in human stroke, Di Marzo, V., Pizzolato, G., Grandi, F.C., Ferigo, L., Simonetto, M., Petrosino, S., Pizzuti, D., Naccarato, M., Lipids in Health and Disease, 2010, 10.1186/1476-511X-9-47
  • Anti-inflammatory effect of palmitoylethanolamide on human adipocytes, Roche, R., Di Marzo, V., Cesari, M., D'Hellencourt, C.L., Tallet, F., Petrosino, S., Matias, I., Gonthier, M.-P., Ravanan, P., Festy, F., Buyse, M., Hoareau, L., 2009, 10.1038/oby.2008.591
  • Overlap between the ligand recognition properties of the anandamide transporter and the VR1 vanilloid receptor: Inhibitors of anandamide uptake with negligible capsaicin-like activity, Di Marzo, V., Pertwee, R.G., Davis, J.B., Bisogno, T., De Petrocellis, L., 2000, 10.1016/S0014-5793(00)02082-2
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  • Endocannabinoids and related fatty acid amides, and their regulation, in the salivary glands of the lone star tick, Sauer, J.R., Di Marzo, V., Tucker, J.S., Dillwith, J.W., Bisogno, T., Fezza, F., 2003, 10.1016/S1388-1981(03)00087-8
  • Erratum: Anandamide-loaded nanoparticles: Preparation and characterization (Journal of Microencapsulation (2011) 28:3: (200-210)), Molpeceres, J., Marzo, V.D., Torres, A.I., Petrocellis, L.D., Ligresti, L., Gil, M.E., De La Ossa, D.H.P., Aberturas, M.R., Journal of Microencapsulation, 2011, 10.3109/02652048.2011.617948
  • Combining Mass Spectrometric Metabolic Profiling with Genomic Analysis: A Powerful Approach for Discovering Natural Products from Cyanobacteria, Gerwick, W.H., Gerwick, L., Dorrestein, P.C., Sherman, D.H., Di Marzo, V., Duggan, B.M., Monroe, E.A., Korobeynikov, A., Kinnel, R.B., Tian, I.Y., Almaliti, J., Kleigrewe, K., Journal of Natural Products, 2015, 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.5b00301
  • Anandamide serves two masters in the brain, Marzo, V.D., Nature Neuroscience, 2010, 10.1038/nn1210-1446
  • Antitumor activity of plant cannabinoids with emphasis on the effect of cannabidiol on human breast carcinoma, Di Marzo, V., Bifulco, M., Laezza, C., Portella, G., De Petrocellis, L., Pisanti, S., Matias, I., Starowicz, K., Moriello, A.S., Ligresti, A., 2006, 10.1124/jpet.106.105247
  • Cannabinoid receptors and their role in neuroprotection, Di Marzo, V., Van Der Stelt, M., 2005
  • Effects of Dietary Bisphenol A on the Reproductive Function of Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Testes, Oliana Carnevali, Jaume Pérez-Sánchez, Josep Calduch-Giner, Francesca Maradonna, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Fabiana Piscitelli, Constantinos C Mylonas, Ioannis Fakriadis, Isabel Forner-Piquer, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 10.3390/ijms20205003
  • Rapid combinatorial access to a library of 1,5-disubstituted-3-indole-N- alkylacetamides as CB2 receptor ligands, Corelli, F., Ghiron, C., Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., Brizzi, A., Mugnaini, C., Pasquini, S., 2009, 10.1021/cc9000955
  • Effects of BPA on zebrafish gonads: Focus on the endocannabinoid system, Carnevali, O., Maradonna, F., Habibi, H.R., Di Marzo, V., Santangeli, S., Piscitelli, F., Beato, S., Forner-Piquer, I., Environmental Pollution, 2020, 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114710
  • Role of the endocannabinoid system in the control of mouse myometrium contractility during the menstrual cycle, Francesca Borrelli, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Angelo A. Izzo, Fabiana Piscitelli, Fabio Arturo Iannotti, Lorena Buono, Antonietta Rossi, Stefania Finizio, Pierangelo Orlando, Ester Pagano, Biochemical Pharmacology, 2017, 10.1016/j.bcp.2016.11.023
  • Different targets of anti-glucocorticoid treatment have been proposed, acting at supra-hypothalamic, HPA axis, glucocorticoid receptor and post-receptor levels., Di Marzo, V., 2013
  • The cannabinoid Δ9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) ameliorates insulin sensitivity in two mouse models of obesity, Cawthorne, M.A., Di Marzo, V., Duncan, M., Guy, G.W., Stott, C.G., Stocker, C.J., Hislop, D.C., Silvestri, C., Zaibi, M.S., Wargent, E.T., Nutrition and Diabetes, 2013, 10.1038/nutd.2013.9
  • Brain regional distribution of endocannabinoids: Implications for their biosynthesis and biological function, Di Marzo, V., Fernandez-Ruiz, J.J., Ramos, J.A., Cebeira, M., Ambrosino, G., Berrendero, F., Bisogno, T., 1999, 10.1006/bbrc.1999.0254
  • The diet rapidly and differentially affects the gut microbiota and host lipid mediators in a healthy population, Raymond, F., Veilleux, A., Di Marzo, V., Flamand, N., Lamarche, B., Perron, J., Rochefort, G., Castonguay-Paradis, S., Bourdeau-Julien, I., Microbiome, 2023, 10.1186/s40168-023-01469-2
  • The endocannabinoid system and its therapeutic exploitations,Das endocannabinoid-system und seine therapeutische nutzung, De Petrocellis, L., Bifulco, M., Di Marzo, V., Perfusion, 2005
  • The cannabinoid TRPA1 agonist cannabichromene inhibits nitric oxide production in macrophages and ameliorates murine colitis, Izzo, A.A., Di Marzo, V., Orlando, P., Vassallo, L., Coppola, D., Pertwee, R.G., Cascio, M.G., Piscitelli, F., Capasso, R., Fasolino, I., Borrelli, F., Romano, B., 2013, 10.1111/bph.12120
  • The endocannabinoid system in obesity and type 2 diabetes, Di Marzo, V., 2008, 10.1007/s00125-008-1048-2
  • Typhoid fever epidemic in the province of Isernia,Indagini su di una epidemia di febbre tifoide in provincia di Isernia., Zampieri, A., Galanti, M.R., Di Marzo, V., Laurelli, T., Petescia, G., Manuppella, A., Greco, D., Salmaso, S., Piergentili, P., Annali Sclavo; rivista di microbiologia e di immunologia, 1981
  • N-oleoyldopamine, a novel endogenous capsaicin-like lipid that produces hyperalgesia, Walker, J.M., Di Marzo, V., Appendino, G., Daddario, N., Zipkin, R.E., Miller, J.D., Ewing, S.A., Bisogno, T., De Petrocellis, L., Huang, S.M., Chu, C.J., 2003, 10.1074/jbc.M211231200
  • Maternal omega-3 intake differentially affects the endocannabinoid system in the progeny`s neocortex and hippocampus: Impact on synaptic markers, de Melo Reis, R.A., Andrade-da-Costa, B.L.D.S., Di Marzo, V., de Mello, F.G., Ferreira, B.K., Santos, T.A., Martins, D.B.G., Verde, R., Iannotti, F.A., Campos, R.M.P., Tavares-do-Carmo, M.D.G., Fraga, K.Y.D., de Velasco, P.C., Isaac, A.R., Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2021, 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2021.108782
  • The endocannabinoid system - Back to the scene of cardiometabolic risk factors control?, Francischetti, E.A., Di Marzo, V., Genelhu, V., Martins, C.J.M., 2014, 10.1055/s-0034-1375653
  • The effect of cannabichromene on adult neural stem/progenitor cells, Di Marzo, V., Shinjyo, N., 2013, 10.1016/j.neuint.2013.08.002
  • 2-Arylbenzofuran-based molecules as multipotent Alzheimer's disease modifying agents, Rampa, A., Hrelia, P., Di Marzo, V., Andrisano, V., Monti, J.-P., Allarà, M., Ligresti, A., Belluti, F., Gobbi, S., Bisi, A., Da Costa, G., Bartolini, M., Tarozzi, A., Rizzo, S., 2012, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2012.10.045
  • Anticonvulsive Properties of Cannabidiol in a Model of Generalized Seizure Are Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Dependent, Whalley, B.J., Whalley, B.J., Di Marzo, V., Di Marzo, V., Jones, N.A., Stott, C.G., Gray, R.A., Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2020, 10.1089/can.2019.0028
  • Endocannabinoid control of food intake and energy balance, Matias, I., Di Marzo, V., 2005, 10.1038/nn1457
  • Identification of endocannabinoids and related compounds in human fat cells, Roche, R., Di Marzo, V., Césari, M., D'Hellencourt, C.L., Chesne, S., Robert-Da Silva, C., Rouch, C., Bès-Houtmann, S., Volenti, M., Matias, I., Festy, F., Hoareau, L., Gonthier, M.-P., 2007, 10.1038/oby.2007.581
  • Inhibitory effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor stimulation on tumor growth and metastatic spreading: actions on signals involved in angiogenesis and metastasis., Bifulco, M., Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Laccetti, P., Laezza, C., Portella, G., 2003
  • Endocannabinoid hydrolysis inhibition unmasks that unsaturated fatty acids induce a robust biosynthesis of 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol and its congeners in human myeloid leukocytes, Flamand, N., Di Marzo, V., Boulet, L.-P., Veilleux, A., Laviolette, M., Itoh, T., Yamamoto, K., Ohashi, N., Bissonnette, E., Blanchet, M.-R., Martin, C., Dumais, É., Archambault, A.-S., Turcotte, C., FASEB Journal, 2020, 10.1096/fj.201902916R
  • Hypoabsorptive surgeries cause limb-dependent changes in the gut endocannabinoidome and microbiome in association with beneficial metabolic effects, Richard, D., Di Marzo, V., Silvestri, C., Marette, A., Varin, T.V., Tchernof, A., Roy, M.-C., Plamondon, J., Lemoine, N., Lebel, S., Biertho, L., Flamand, N., St-Pierre, D.H., Mukorako, P., International Journal of Obesity, 2023, 10.1038/s41366-023-01307-3
  • New role for the anandamide metabolite prostaglandin F2α ethanolamide: Rolling preadipocyte proliferation, Cristoforo Silvestri, Vincenzo Di Marzo, David Marsolais, Olivier Courtemanche, Besma Boubertakh, Journal of Lipid Research, 2023, 10.1016/j.jlr.2023.100444
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  • Inhibitors of endocannabinoid breakdown for pain: Not so FA(AH)cile, after all, Di Marzo, V., 2012, 10.1016/j.pain.2012.06.016
  • Oral Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide: Plasma and Tissue Levels and Spinal Anti-hyperalgesic Effect, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Salvatore Cuzzocrea, Emanuela Esposito, Daniela Impellizzeri, Rosalia Crupi, Alessio F. Peritore, Fabiana Piscitelli, Rosalba Siracusa, Carlo Schievano, Gabriele Marcolongo, Aniello Schiano Moriello, Roberta Verde, Marika Cordaro, Stefania Petrosino, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 10.3389/fphar.2018.00249
  • Anandamide drives cell cycle progression through CB1 receptors in a rat model of synchronized liver regeneration, Bifulco, M., Di Marzo, V., Gazzerro, P., Laezza, C., Vitale, M., Proto, M.C., Petrosino, S., Martini, C., Pallottini, V., Picardi, P., Pisanti, S., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2015, 10.1002/jcp.24959
  • 2-AG promotes the expression of conditioned fear via cannabinoid receptor type 1 on GABAergic neurons, Wotjak, C.T., Viveros, M.P., Micale, V., Di Marzo, V., Terzian, A.L.B., Llorente-Berzal, A., Psychopharmacology, 2015, 10.1007/s00213-015-3917-y
  • Biosynthesis, release and degradation of the novel endogenous cannabimimetic metabolite 2-arachidonoylglycerol in mouse neuroblastoma cells, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Maurelli, S., Melck, D., Sepe, N., Bisogno, T., 1997
  • The cannabinoid receptor type 2 as mediator of mesenchymal stromal cell immunosuppressive properties, Maione, S., Locatelli, F., Di Marzo, V., Nobili, B., Petrosino, S., Imperatore, R., Cristino, L., Guida, F., Manzo, I., Conforti, A., Luongo, L., Bellini, G., Bernardo, M.E., Rossi, F., 2013, 10.1371/journal.pone.0080022
  • The endocannabinoid system in the brain of Carassius auratus and its possible role in the control of food intake, Di Marzo, V., Delgado, M.J., Franzoni, M.F., Viveros, M.P., Rubio, M., De Pedro, N., Martinez, R., Cottone, E., Valenti, M., 2005, 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2005.03406.x
  • An endocannabinoid tone limits excitotoxicity in vitro and in a model of multiple sclerosis, Guaza, C., Docagne, F., Di Marzo, V., Correa, F., Spagnolo, A., Mestre, L., Hernangómez, M., Petrosino, S., Loría, F., 2010, 10.1016/j.nbd.2009.09.020
  • Occurrence and possible biological role of the endocannabinoid system in the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis, Di Marzo, V., McPartland, J.M., Matias, I., 2005, 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2005.03103.x
  • Deficiency of cannabinoid receptor of type 2 worsens renal functional and structural abnormalities in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice, Gruden, G., Di Marzo, V., Hirsch, E., Aveta, T., Rastaldi, M.P., Bruno, G., Corbelli, A., Pinach, S., Gambino, R., Bellini, S., Franco, I., Grimaldi, S., Barutta, F., 2014, 10.1038/ki.2014.165
  • The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol is responsible for the slow self-inhibition in neocortical interneurons, Bacci, A., Huguenard, J.R., Prince, D.A., Di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., Pacioni, S., Marinelli, S., 2008, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0847-08.2008
  • Pharmacological differentiation of bimatoprost and latanoprost induced ocular hypotension by a second generation prostamide antagonist (AGN 211336), Ortar, G., DiMarzo, V., Hopper, L.D., Pettit, N.S., Martos, L.J., Fliri, G.H., Cornell, L.C., Carling, Garst, E.M., Wheeler, A.L., Kharlamb, B.A., Guzman, M.V., Li, C., Wang, W.J., Liang, Y., Woodward, F.D., Prostaglandins: Biochemistry, Functions, Types and Roles, 2011
  • The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol controls odor sensitivity in larvae of Xenopus laevis, Czesnik, D., Schild, D., Di Marzo, V., Gutermann, B., Piscitelli, F., Manzini, I., Breunig, E., 2010, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4030-09.2010
  • Elevated Systemic Levels of Endocannabinoids and Related Mediators Across the Menstrual Cycle in Women with Endometriosis, Panina-Bordignon, P., Garavaglia, E., Di Marzo, V., Piscitelli, F., Verde, R., Candiani, M., Viganò, P., Cioffi, R., Sanchez, A.M., Reproductive Sciences, 2016, 10.1177/1933719116630414
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  • Regulation of transient receptor potential channels of melastatin type 8 (TRPM8): Effect of cAMP, cannabinoid CB1 receptors and endovanilloids, Di Marzo, V., Orlando, P., Vivese, M., Moriello, A.S., Starowicz, K., De Petrocellis, L., Experimental Cell Research, 2007, 10.1016/j.yexcr.2007.01.008
  • Enantioselective synthesis of 3(S)-hydroxy polygodial derivatives and evaluation of their vanilloid activity, Spinella, A., Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Izzo, I., Della Monica, C., D'Acunto, M., 2010, 10.1016/j.tet.2010.11.002
  • Hedonic eating is associated with increased peripheral levels of ghrelin and the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol in healthy humans: A pilot study, Maj, M., Di Marzo, V., Canestrelli, B., Monteleone, A.M., Scognamiglio, P., Piscitelli, F., Monteleone, P., 2012, 10.1210/jc.2011-3018
  • Palmitoylethanolamide: Biochemistry, pharmacology and therapeutic use of a pleiotropic anti-inflammatory lipid mediator, Skaper, S.D., Di Marzo, V., 2013, 10.2174/1871527311312010004
  • Oleoyl alanine (HU595): a stable monomethylated oleoyl glycine interferes with acute naloxone precipitated morphine withdrawal in male rats, Parker, L.A., Mechoulam, R., Di Marzo, V., Leri, F., Lichtman, A.H., Iannotti, F.A., Piscitelli, F., Limebeer, C.L., Rock, E.M., Collins, S.A., Atwal, H., Farag, M., Smoum, R., Ayoub, S.M., Psychopharmacology, 2020, 10.1007/s00213-020-05570-4
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  • Expanding Research on Cannabis-Based Medicines for Liver Steatosis: A Low-Risk High-Reward Way Out of the Present Deadlock?, Carrieri, P., Burra, P., Marcellin, F., Di Marzo, V., Barré, T., Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2023, 10.1089/can.2022.0014
  • A role for endocannabinoids in the generation of parkinsonism and levodopa-induced dyskinesia in MPTP-lesioned non-human primate models of Parkinson's disease, Brotchie, J.M., Di Marzo, V., Petrosino, S., Crossman, A.R., Hill, M., Fox, S.H., Van Der Stelt, M., 2005, 10.1096/fj.04-3010fje
  • A TRPV 1‐to‐secretagogin regulatory axis controls pancreatic β‐cell survival by modulating protein turnover, Tibor Harkany, Leif Groop, Ludwig Wagner, Tomas Hökfelt, Gert Lubec, Stefan Kubicek, Rickard Sandberg, Gábor Szabó, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Fabiana Piscitelli, Erzsébet Borók, Roman A Romanov, Jan Mulder, Robert Schnell, Giuseppe Tortoriello, Åsa Segerstolpe, Petter Storm, Edit Szodorai, Fatima Girach, Katarzyna Malenczyk, The EMBO Journal, 2017, 10.15252/embj.201695347
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  • In vivo pharmacological actions of two novel inhibitors of anandamide cellular uptake, Di Marzo, V., Fernandez-Ruiz, J., Baker, D., Bifulco, M., Pryce, G., Cabranes, A., Morera, E., Ortar, G., Ligresti, A., De Lago, E., 2004, 10.1016/j.ejphar.2003.11.027
  • B iological basis of cannabinoid medicines: Mechanistic insights into cannabinoid signaling could improve therapeutic applications, Harkany, T., Marzo, V.D., Keimpema, E., Science, 2021, 10.1126/science.abf6099
  • Genetic and pharmacological regulation of the endocannabinoid CB1 receptor in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Gabriella Minchiotti, Pier Lorenzo Puri, Raffaele Capasso, Diego Carrella, Giuseppe Busetto, Elisabetta Gazzerro, Fabiana Piscitelli, Silvia Consalvi, Valentina Saccone, Simone Adinolfi, Ombretta Guardiola, Ester Pagano, Fabio A. Iannotti, Nature Communications, 2018, 10.1038/s41467-018-06267-1
  • Palmitoylethanolamide reduces inflammation and itch in a mouse model of contact allergic dermatitis, Iuvone, T., Di Marzo, V., Carnuccio, R., Guarino, A., Negro, L., De Filippis, D., Petrosino, S., Vaia, M., European Journal of Pharmacology, 2016, 10.1016/j.ejphar.2016.10.005
  • N-Oleoyl-glycine reduces nicotine reward and withdrawal in mice, Raphael Mechoulam, Vincenzo Di Marzo, M. Imad Damaj, Aron H. Lichtman, Sabatino Maione, Laura Sim-Selley, Reem Smoum, Linda Parker, Gavin N. Petrie, Francesca Guida, Mohammed A. Mustafa, Bogna M. Ignatowska-Jankowska, Catia Giordano, Enrico D'Aniello, Rosa Maria Vitale, Asti Jackson, Pretal Muldoon, Fabiana Piscitelli, Giulia Donvito, Neuropharmacology, 2019, 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2018.03.020
  • Diacerein is a potent and selective inhibitor of palmitoylethanolamide inactivation with analgesic activity in a rat model of acute inflammatory pain, Di Marzo, V., Cuzzocrea, S., Verde, R., Allarà, M., Esposito, E., Marcolongo, G., Ahmad, A., Petrosino, S., 2015, 10.1016/j.phrs.2014.10.008
  • Erratum: Anandamide acts as an intracellular messenger amplifying Ca 2+ influx via TRPV1 channels (EMBO Journal (2005) 24 (3026-3037) DOI: 10.1038/sj.emboj.7600784, Di Marzo, V., Geppetti, P., McNaughton, P., Campi, B., Schiano Moriello, A., De Petrocellis, L., Vellani, V., Trevisani, M., Van Der Stelt, M., EMBO Journal, 2005, 10.1038/sj.emboj.7600839
  • Endocannabinoids in nervous system health and disease: The big picture in a nutshell, Di Marzo, V., Skaper, S.D., 2012, 10.1098/rstb.2012.0313
  • Mechanisms for the coupling of cannabinoid receptors to intracellular calcium mobilization in rat insulinoma β-cells, Di Marzo, V., Cristino, L., Nigam, S., Starowicz, K., Moriello, A.S., Matias, I., Marini, P., De Petrocellis, L., 2007, 10.1016/j.yexcr.2007.05.012
  • Synthesis, binding studies and molecular modeling of novel cannabinoid receptor ligands, Abadi, A.H., Abouzid, K.A., Marzo, V.D., Niess, R., Allar, M., Mahmoud, A.H., Osman, N.A., Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 10.1016/j.bmc.2010.10.050
  • Anandamide - The other side of the coin, Högestätt, E.D., Di Marzo, V., Julius, D., Zygmunt, P.M., 2000, 10.1016/S0165-6147(99)01430-3
  • An endogenous capsaicin-like substance with high potency at recombinant and native vanilloid VR1 receptors, Di Marzo, V., Walker, J.M., Geppetti, P., Davies, S.N., Miller, J.D., Chu, C.J., Krey, J.F., Petros, T.J., Tognetto, M., Fezza, F., De Petrocellis, L., Al-Hayani, A., Trevisani, M., Bisogno, T., Huang, S.M., 2002, 10.1073/pnas.122196999
  • Formation and inactivation of endogenous cannabinoid anandamide in central neurons, Piomelli, D., Schwartz, J.-C., Cimino, G., Schinelli, S., Cadas, H., Fontana, A., Di Marzo, V., Nature, 1994, 10.1038/372686a0
  • Protective role of cannabinoid receptor type 2 in a mouse model of diabetic nephropathy, Gruden, G., Perin, P.C., Di Marzo, V., Salvidio, G., Rastaldi, M.P., Gambino, R., Bruno, G., Pinach, S., Piscitelli, F., Barutta, F., 2011, 10.2337/db10-1809
  • Naphthalene and 2,3-dihydrobenzo[b][1,4]dioxine derivatives with extended side chains as new scaffolds of CB2-selective ligands, Abadi, A.H., Abouzid, K.M., Di Marzo, V., Allarà, M., Klein, C.D., Mahmoud, A.H., Osman, N.A., MedChemComm, 2014, 10.1039/c4md00232f
  • Effect of maternal under-nutrition on pup body weight and hypothalamic endocannabinoid levels, Di Marzo, V., Vieau, D., Dupouy, J.-P., De Petrocellis, L., Lesage, J., Léonhardt, M., Matias, I., 2003, 10.1007/s000180300031
  • Non-psychotropic analgesic drugs from the endocannabinoid system: "Magic bullet" or "multiple-target" strategies?, Di Marzo, V., Starowicz, K., 2013, 10.1016/j.ejphar.2013.01.075
  • Palmitoylethanolamide normalizes intestinal motility in a model of post-inflammatory accelerated transit: Involvement of CB1 receptors and TRPV1 channels, Izzo, A.A., Di Marzo, V., Borrelli, F., Buono, L., Aveta, T., Pagano, E., Orlando, P., Capasso, R., British Journal of Pharmacology, 2014, 10.1111/bph.12759
  • Development and Pharmacological Characterization of Selective Blockers of 2-Arachidonoyl Glycerol Degradation with Efficacy in Rodent Models of Multiple Sclerosis and Pain, Butini, S., Di Marzo, V., Piomelli, D., Pittaluga, A., Ghelardini, C., Maione, S., Campiani, G., Dehouck, M.-P., Bertucci, C., Piscitelli, F., Ligresti, A., Luongo, L., Armirotti, A., Jung, K.-M., Landry, C., Bonfiglio, T., Tedesco, D., Gorelli, B., Saponara, S., Lamponi, S., Gabellieri, E., Di Cesare Mannelli, L., Grillo, A., Brogi, S., Gemma, S., Maramai, S., Brindisi, M., Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.5b01812
  • Cannabinoids: a class of unique natural products with unique pharmacology, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Fabiana Piscitelli, Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, 2021, 10.1007/s12210-020-00966-y
  • The role of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor and its endogenous ligands, anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol, in amphetamine-induced behavioural sensitization, Hasenöhrl, R.U., Di Marzo, V., Molleman, A., Petrosino, S., van der Stelt, M., Thiemann, G., Behavioural Brain Research, 2008, 10.1016/j.bbr.2007.09.022
  • Polypharmacology Shakes Hands with Complex Aetiopathology, Guy, G.W., Di Marzo, V., Brodie, J.S., Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2015, 10.1016/j.tips.2015.08.010
  • Fatty acid amide hydrolase controls mouse intestinal motility in vivo, Izzo, A.A., Di Marzo, V., Valenti, M., Monory, K., Petrosino, S., Mascolo, N., Marsicano, G., Capasso, F., Borrelli, F., Lutz, B., Matias, I., Capasso, R., 2005, 10.1053/j.gastro.2005.06.018
  • Three-dimensional quantitative structure-selectivity relationships analysis guided rational design of a highly selective ligand for the cannabinoid receptor 2, Tafi, A., Pasquini, S., Mugnaini, C., Ligresti, A., Di Marzo, V., Corelli, F., Brogi, S., 2011, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2010.11.034
  • Cannabinoids and endocannabinoids in metabolic disorders with focus on diabetes, Mechoulam, R., Piscitelli, F., Di Marzo, V., 2011, 10.1007/978-3-642-17214-4-4
  • Oral capsaicinoid administration alters the plasma endocannabinoidome and fecal microbiota of reproductive-aged women living with overweight and obesity, Di Marzo, V., Silvestri, C., Tremblay, A., Drapeau, V., Chagnon, Y., Flamand, N., Pérusse, F., Lacroix, S., Manca, C., Biomedicines, 2021, 10.3390/biomedicines9091246
  • Changes in endocannabinoid and palmitoylethanolamide levels in eye tissues of patients with diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration, Di Marzo, V., Woodward, D.F., Nieves, A., Moriello, A.S., Wang, J.W., Matias, I., 2006, 10.1016/j.plefa.2006.08.002
  • Effects of cannabinoids and cannabinoid-enriched Cannabis extracts on TRP channels and endocannabinoid metabolic enzymes, Di Marzo, V., Stott, C.G., Petrosino, S., Bisogno, T., Allarà, M., Moriello, A.S., Ligresti, A., De Petrocellis, L., 2011, 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.01166.x
  • Impact of selenium on the intestinal microbiome-eCBome axis in the context of diet-related metabolic health in mice, Raymond, F., Di Marzo, V., Veilleux, A., Flamand, N., Martin, C., Lacroix, S., St-Arnaud, G., Bourdeau-Julien, I., Leblanc, N., Guevara Agudelo, F.A., Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1028412
  • Evidence for an endocannabinoid system in the central nervous system of the leech Hirudo medicinalis, Salzet, M., Di Marzo, V., Breton, C., Sergheraert, C., De Petrocellis, L., Verger-Bocquet, M., Vandenbulcke, F., Melck, D., Bisogno, T., Matias, I., 2001, 10.1016/S0169-328X(00)00290-4
  • The CB1/VR1 agonist arvanil induces apoptosis through an FADD/caspase-8-dependent pathway, Muñoz, E., Macho, A., Di Marzo, V., Appendino, G., De La Vega, L., Sancho, R., 2003, 10.1038/sj.bjp.0705532
  • α-and γ-Pyrone-poly·propionates from the mediterranean ascoglossan mollusc ercolania funerea, Cimino, G., Marin, A., Di Marzo, V., Vardaro, R.R., 1992, 10.1016/S0040-4020(01)88324-1
  • Antitumor effect of pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 and its synergistic effect with Oxaliplatin and 5-FU in colorectal cancer cells, Bifulco, M., Gazzerro, P., Campiani, G., Williams, D.C., Nathwani, S., Zisterer, D.M., Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., Vitale, M., Laezza, C., Casagni, A., Gemma, S., Butini, S., Pagano Zottola, A.C., Picardi, P., Pisanti, S., Proto, M.C., Fiore, D., Cancer Biology and Therapy, 2016, 10.1080/15384047.2015.1078028
  • Cannabinoid receptor 1 blockade ameliorates albuminuria in experimental diabetic nephropathy, Gruden, G., Perin, P.C., Rastaldi, M.P., Pinach, S., Marzo, V.D., Gambino, R., Mastrocola, R., Corbelli, A., Barutta, F., Diabetes, 2010, 10.2337/db09-1336
  • Anandamide enhances IL-10 production in activated microglia by targeting CB2 receptors: Roles of ERK1/2, JNK, and NF-κB, Guaza, C., Di Marzo, V., Docagne, F., Spagnolo, A., Loría, F., Mestre, L., Hernangómez, M., Correa, F., GLIA, 2010, 10.1002/glia.20907
  • Rational design, synthesis and anti-proliferative properties of new CB2 selective cannabinoid receptor ligands: An investigation of the 1,8-naphthyridin-2(1H)-one scaffold, Martinelli, A., MacChia, M., Giordano, A., Di Marzo, V., Bifulco, M., Rizzolio, F., Tuccinardi, T., Lucchesi, V., Ligresti, A., Laezza, C., Castelli, F., Bertini, S., Malfitano, A.M., Saccomanni, G., Manera, C., 2012, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2012.03.031
  • Dual therapy targeting the endocannabinoid system prevents experimental diabetic nephropathy, Gabriella Gruden, Graziella Bruno, Vincenzo di Marzo, Laura Annaratone, Alexandros Makriyannis, Kiran Vemuri, Roberto Gambino, Serena Grimaldi, Federica Barutta, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2017, 10.1093/ndt/gfx010
  • Arvanil, anandamide and N-arachidonoyl-dopamine (NADA) inhibit emesis through cannabinoid CB1 and vanilloid TRPV1 receptors in the ferret, Di Marzo, V., Davison, J.S., Guglielmotti, V., Pittman, Q.J., Starowicz, K., Van Sickle, M.D., Oland, L.D., Cristino, L., Sharkey, K.A., 2007, 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2007.05521.x
  • The role of the endocannabinoid system in skeletal muscle and metabolic adaptations to exercise: Potential implications for the treatment of obesity, Di Marzo, V., Aucouturier, J., Gamelin, F.-X., Heyman, E., 2012, 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2012.01026.x
  • Preface, Di Marzo, V., Cannabinoids, 2014, 10.1002/9781118451281
  • Palmitoylethanolamide counteracts reactive astrogliosis induced by β-amyloid peptide, Steardo, L., Di Marzo, V., Iuvone, T., Petrosino, S., De Filippis, D., Carnuccio, R., Steardo Jr., L., Arietti, P., Valenza, M., Blasio, A., Esposito, G., Scuderi, C., 2011, 10.1111/j.1582-4934.2011.01267.x
  • Overactivity of the intestinal endocannabinoid system in celiac disease and in methotrexate-treated rats, Di Marzo, V., Mazzarella, G., Sorrentini, I., Nigam, S., Grandone, I., Scaglione, G., Valenti, M., Gianfrani, C., Petrosino, S., D'Argenio, G., 2007, 10.1007/s00109-007-0192-3
  • Comparing Transgenic Production to Supplementation of ω-3 PUFA Reveals Distinct but Overlapping Mechanisms Underlying Protection Against Metabolic and Hepatic Disorders, Marette, A., Di Marzo, V., Jobin, C., Silvestri, C., Flamand, N., Lamaziere, A., Raymond, F., Levy, E., Chassaing, B., Roy, D., Barbier, O., Trottier, J., Kang, J.X., Garofalo, C., Gauthier, J., Pilon, G., Farabos, D., Julien, I.B., Varin, T.V., Mitchell, P.L., Le Barz, M., Daniel, N., Function, 2023, 10.1093/function/zqac069
  • Role of the endocannabinoid system in obesity induced by neuropeptide y overexpression in noradrenergic neurons, Di Marzo, V., Savontaus, E., Silvestri, C., Piscitelli, F., Kauko, T., Stormi, T., Penttinen, A.-M., Ailanen, L., Mäkelä, S., Ruohonen, S.T., Vähätalo, L.H., Nutrition and Diabetes, 2015, 10.1038/nutd.2015.1
  • Human lung-resident macrophages express CB1 and CB2 receptors whose activation inhibits the release of angiogenic and lymphangiogenic factors, Marone, G., Di Marzo, V., Triggiani, M., Santini, M., Varricchi, G., Fiorelli, A., Lepore, M.T., Granata, F., Secondo, A., Orlando, P., Piscitelli, F., Iannotti, F.A., Borriello, F., Loffredo, S., Staiano, R.I., Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 2016, 10.1189/jlb.3HI1214-584R
  • Hedonic eating in Prader–Willi syndrome is associated with blunted PYY secretion, A. Sartorio, G. Grugni, E. Lucchetti, A. De Col, F. Agosti, C. Vanetti, V. Di Marzo, A. Lauritano, F. Piscitelli, S. Bini, A. E. Rigamonti, Food & Nutrition Research, 2017, 10.1080/16546628.2017.1297553
  • Arylboronic acids as dual-action FAAH and TRPV1 ligands, De Petrocellis, L., Ortar, G., Nalli, M., Schiano Moriello, A., Allarà, M., Monti, L., Di Marzo, V., Morera, E., Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2016.01.071
  • The plant cannabinoid Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabivarin can decrease signs of inflammation and inflammatory pain in mice, Pertwee, R.G., Cascio, M.G., Gauson, L.A., Ross, R.A., Parolaro, D., Di Marzo, V., Marini, P., Comelli, F., Maione, S., Costa, B., Bolognini, D., British Journal of Pharmacology, 2010, 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00756.x
  • Effect of chirality and lipophilicity in the functional activity of evodiamine and its analogues at TRPV1 channels, Di Marzo, V., Appendino, G., Passarella, D., Sacchetti, A., Fontana, G., Schiano Moriello, A., De Petrocellis, L., 2014, 10.1111/bph.12320
  • New resorcinol-anandamide "hybrids" as potent cannabinoid receptor ligands endowed with antinociceptive activity in vivo, Di Marzo, V., Tuccinardi, T., Pasquini, S., Martinelli, A., Maione, S., Ligresti, A., Guida, F., Corelli, F., Cascio, M.G., Brizzi, V., Brizzi, A., 2009, 10.1021/jm8016255
  • Cannabinoid receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database, Ruth A. Ross, Roger G. Pertwee, Raphael Mechoulam, Ken Mackie, George Kunos, Allyn C. Howlett, Miles Herkenham, Peter Greasley, Christian C. Felder, Maurice R. Elphick, Vincenzo Di Marzo, William A. Devane, Ben F. Cravatt, Pierre Casellas, Guy Cabral, Heather Bradshaw, Tom I. Bonner, Francis Barth, Stephen P.H. Alexander, Mary Abood, IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE, 2019, 10.2218/gtopdb/F13/2019.4
  • Disruption of the gonadal endocannabinoid system in zebrafish exposed to diisononyl phthalate, Oliana Carnevali, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Hamid R. Habibi, Fabiana Piscitelli, Alessandro Rabbito, Francesca Maradonna, Stefania Santangeli, Isabel Forner-Piquer, Environmental Pollution, 2018, 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.05.007
  • Editorial, Di Marzo, V., Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery, 2015
  • The emerging role of the endocannabinoidome-gut microbiome axis in eating disorders, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Giada Giorgini, Hayatte-Dounia Mir, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2023, 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106295
  • The Endocannabinoidome: The World of Endocannabinoids and Related Mediators, Wang, J.W., Di Marzo, V., The Endocannabinoidome: The World of Endocannabinoids and Related Mediators, 2014
  • Compounds acting at the endocannabinoid and/or endovanilloid systems reduce hyperkinesia in a rat model of Huntington's disease, Fernández-Ruiz, J., Di Marzo, V., Makriyannis, A., De Petrocellis, L., De Miguel, R., Lastres-Becker, I., 2003, 10.1046/j.1471-4159.2003.01595.x
  • Design, Synthesis and In Vitro Experimental Validation of Novel TRPV4 Antagonists Inspired by Labdane Diterpenes, De Petrocellis, L., Brizzi, A., Aiello, F., Vitale, R.M., Vega-Holm, M., Di Marzo, V., Amodeo, P., Schiano Moriello, A., Carullo, G., Mazzotta, S., Marine drugs, 2020, 10.3390/md18100519
  • CB1 antagonists for obesitywhat lessons have we learned from rimonabant?, Després, J.-P., Di Marzo, V., 2009, 10.1038/nrendo.2009.197
  • Kahweol, a natural diterpene from coffee, induces peripheral antinociception by endocannabinoid system activation, I.D.G. Duarte, T.R.L. Romero, V. Di Marzo, F. Piscitelli, A.C. Perez, M.G.M. Castor, D.P.D. Machado, R.C.M. Ferreira, C.C. Oliveira, L.S. Guzzo, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, 10.1590/1414-431x2021e11071
  • Cannabinoids and Chronic Liver Diseases, Costiniuk, C.T., Jenabian, M.-A., Di Marzo, V., Sebastiani, G., Mboumba Bouassa, R.-S., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 10.3390/ijms23169423
  • Evaluation of the endogenous cannabinoid system in mediating the behavioral effects of dipyrone (metamizol) in mice, Lichtman, A.H., Imming, P., Marzo, V.D., Radanova, L., Schlosburg, J.E., Behavioural Pharmacology, 2012, 10.1097/FBP.0b013e3283584794
  • Function of endocannabinoids and related compounds in sleep, Di Marzo, V., Prospéro-García, A., Herrera-Solís, A., Prospéro-García, O., Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapeutics, 2008
  • Astrocytic cannabinoid receptor 1 promotes resilience by dampening stress-induced blood-brain barrier alterations, Menard, C., Di Marzo, V., Silvestri, C., Lavoie-Cardinal, F., Mechawar, N., Turecki, G., Campbell, M., Guzman, M., Flamand, N., Manca, C., Binder, L.B., Clavet-Fournier, V., Dion-Albert, L., Kaufmann, F.N., Bouchard, J., Lavoie, O., Lebel, M., Collignon, A., Paton, S.E.J., Dudek, K.A., Research Square, 2023, 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2978353
  • Antithrombin Milano, single amino acid substitution at the reactive site, Arg393 to Cys, Mannucci, P.M., Tripodi, A., Morris, H.R., Panico, M., Di Marzo, V., Ireland, H., Lane, D.A., Erdjument, H., 1988
  • Temperature-sensitive transient receptor potential channels as ionotropic cannabinoid receptors, De Petrocellis, L., Di Marzo, V., Cannabinoid Receptors, 2013, 10.1007/978-1-4614-4669-9_8
  • Fishing for Targets of Alien Metabolites: A Novel Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) Agonist from a Marine Pest, Ernesto Mollo, Pietro Amodeo, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Francesco Regoli, Antonio Calignano, Antonio Terlizzi, Serena Felline, Fanny Defranoux, BIAGIO D'ANIELLO, Gianluca Polese, Laura Magliozzi, Laura Grauso, Adele Cutignano, Marianna Carbone, Alessandra Gentile, Tariq Fellous, Maria Elisa Giuliani, Cristoforo Silvestri, Andrea Martella, Stefania Gorbi, Enrico D'Aniello, Rosa Maria Vitale, Marine Drugs, 2018, 10.3390/md16110431
  • v-K-ras leads to preferential farnesylation of p21ras in FRTL-5 cells: Multiple interference with the isoprenoid pathway, Bifulco, M., Di Marzo, V., Laezza, C., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1998, 10.1073/pnas.95.23.13646
  • The Endocannabinoid System in Leptin-Driven Changes of Orexinergic Signaling Under Physiological and Pathological Conditions, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Letizia Palomba, Roberta Imperatore, Luigia Cristino, Endocannabinoids and Lipid Mediators in Brain Functions, 2017, 10.1007/978-3-319-57371-7_1
  • Adelmidrol, a palmitoylethanolamide analogue, reduces chronic inflammation in a carrageenin-granuloma model in rats, Iuvone, T., Di Marzo, V., Esposito, G., Cinelli, M.P., D'Amico, A., De Filippis, D., 2009, 10.1111/j.1582-4934.2008.00353.x
  • Endocannabinoids in the new millennium, Di Marzo, V., 2002, 10.1054/plef.2001.0339
  • Biosynthesis, structure and biological activity of hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids in Hydra vulgaris, Cimino, G., Gianfrani, C., De Petrocellis, L., Di Marzo, V., 1993
  • The effect of diterpenoidic diacylglycerols on tentacle regeneration in Hydra vulgaris, Cimino, G., Minei, R., Gavagnin, M., Arcà, B., Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., 1991, 10.1016/0742-8413(91)90047-W
  • Functional plasticity of lipid mediators: The example of endocannabinoids, Di Marzo, V., Van der Stelt, M., De Petrocellis, L., Functional Lipidomics, 2005, 10.1201/9781420027655
  • Efficacy of combined therapy with fish oil and phytocannabinoids in murine intestinal inflammation, Borrelli, F., Izzo, A.A., Di Marzo, V., Venneri, T., Lucariello, G., Romano, B., Piscitelli, F., Iannotti, F.A., Pagano, E., Phytotherapy Research, 2021, 10.1002/ptr.6831
  • Effects of dietary fatty acids on endocannabinoid signaling in the brain and peripheral organs, Di Marzo, V., Berger, A., Abdominal Obesity and the Endocannabinoid System: From Basic Aspects to Clinical Management of Related Cardiometabolic Risk, 2008
  • The Gut Microbiome-Endocannabinoidome Axis: A New Way of Controlling Metabolism, Inflammation, and Behavior, Di Marzo, V., Silvestri, C., Function, 2023, 10.1093/function/zqad003
  • Acute naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal elicits nausea-like somatic behaviors in rats in a manner suppressed by N-oleoylglycine, Parker, L.A., Mechoulam, R., Lichtman, A.H., Di Marzo, V., Smoum, R., DeVuono, M.V., Wills, K.L., Gene, A., Limebeer, C.L., Ayoub, S.M., Rock, E.M., Psychopharmacology, 2020, 10.1007/s00213-019-05373-2
  • Deletion of the gene encoding prostamide/prostaglandin F synthase reveals an important role in regulating intraocular pressure, Overby, D.R., Watanabe, K., Inoue, Y., Sakimura, K., Yamazaki, M., Marzo, V.D., Piscitelli, F., Silvestri, C., Spenlehauer, A., Sherwood, J.M., Woodward, D.F., Bertrand, J.A., Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 2021, 10.1016/j.plefa.2020.102235
  • PBOX-15 induces apoptosis and improves the efficacy of oxaliplatin in human colorectal cancer cell lines, Bifulco, M., Campiani, G., Williams, D.C., Nathwani, S., Zisterer, D.M., Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., Vitale, M., Laezza, C., Casagni, A., Gemma, S., Butini, S., Proto, M.C., Fiore, D., Gazzerro, P., Gangemi, G., 2013, 10.1016/j.ejphar.2013.07.011
  • Endogenous cannabinoids in the brain and peripheral tissues: Regulation of their levels and control of food intake, Di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., Matias, I., 2006, 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803271
  • Hemp seed significantly modulates the endocannabinoidome and produces beneficial metabolic effects with improved intestinal barrier function and decreased inflammation in mice under a high-fat, high-sucrose diet as compared with linseed, Silvestri, C., Di Marzo, V., Flamand, N., Martin, C., Lacroix, S., Manca, C., Ben Necib, R., Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 10.3389/fimmu.2022.882455
  • Cannabimimetic eicosanoids in cancer and inflammation: An update, Di Marzo, V., Rice, A.S.C., Beaulieu, P., De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Melck, D., 2002
  • Neuropathic pain and the endocannabinoid system in the dorsal raphe: Pharmacological treatment and interactions with the serotonergic system, Maione, S., Rossi, F., Mangoni, G.S., Di Marzo, V., Giordano, C., Vita, D., Marabese, I., Petrosino, S., De Novellis, V., Palazzo, E., 2006, 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2006.05086.x
  • Erratum: PBOX-15 induces apoptosis and improves the efficacy of oxaliplatin in human colorectal cancer cell lines (European Journal of Pharmacology (2013) 714:1-3 (379-387)), Campiani, G., Bifulco, M., Clive Williams, D., Nathwani, S., Zisterer, D.M., Dimarzo, V., Ligresti, A., Vitale, M., Laezza, C., Casagni, A., Gemma, S., Butini, S., Chiara Proto, M., Fiore, D., Gazzerro, P., Gangemi, G., European Journal of Pharmacology, 2014, 10.1016/j.ejphar.2014.01.024
  • The endocannabinoid and endovanilloid systems and their interactions in neuropathic pain, Di Marzo, V., Rossi, F., Palazzo, E., Starowicz, K., Maione, S., 2006, 10.1002/ddr.20098
  • 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol as an "endocannabinoid": Limelight for a formerly neglected metabolite, Di Marzo, V., 1998
  • Tetrahydro-β-carboline derivatives targeting fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, Marzo, V.D., Nalli, M., Morera, E., Allarà, M., Moriello, A.S., Petrocellis, L.D., Ortar, G., Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2013, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2012.10.137
  • TRPM8 indicates poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients and its pharmacological targeting reduces tumour growth in mice by inhibiting Wnt/β-catenin signalling, Izzo, A.A., Borrelli, F., Di Marzo, V., Capasso, R., Fiorucci, S., Marchianò, S., Falco, G., Zoppoli, P., Stiuso, P., Lama, S., Lionetti, R., De Luca, M., D'Armiento, M., De Cicco, P., Cattaneo, F., Nanì, M.F., Lucariello, G., Venneri, T., Iannotti, F.A., Cicia, D., Romano, B., Pagano, E., British Journal of Pharmacology, 2023, 10.1111/bph.15960
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  • Inhibitory effect of cannabichromene, a major non-psychotropic cannabinoid extracted from Cannabis sativa, on inflammation-induced hypermotility in mice, Di Marzo, V., Orlando, P., Capasso, F., Gallo, L., Piscitelli, F., Romano, B., Borrelli, F., Aviello, G., Capasso, R., Izzo, A.A., 2012, 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.01879.x
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  • The Effects of Peripubertal THC Exposure in Neurodevelopmental Rat Models of Psychopathology, Vincenzo Micale, claudio d'addario, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Filippo Drago, Claudio Bucolo, Carsten T. Wotjak, Fabiana Piscitelli, Petr Palivec, Samuele Laudani, Martin Kuchar, Giovanni Luca Romano, Jana Ruda-Kucerova, Fabio Arturo Iannotti, Serena Di Martino, Tibor Stark, Martina Di Bartolomeo, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 10.3390/ijms24043907
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  • Short and efficient synthesis of alkylresorcinols: a route for the preparation of cannabinoids, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Hannah Straker, Rosaria Villano, New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 10.1039/D2NJ03547B
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  • Intense exercise increases circulating endocannabinoid and BDNF levels in humans-Possible implications for reward and depression, Meeusen, R., Di Marzo, V., Leclair, E., Roelands, B., Piscitelli, F., Goekint, M., Gamelin, F.-X., Heyman, E., 2012, 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2011.09.017
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  • Effects of repeated long-term psychosocial stress and acute cannabinoid exposure on mouse corticostriatal circuitries: Implications for neuropsychiatric disorders, Ursula Havemann-Reinecke, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Sigrid Hoyer-Fender, Tim Beißbarth, Stephan Lorenzen, Claudia Pommerenke, Gabriela Salinas, Hope Agbemenyah, Timothy Patrick Moore, Jose Antonio del Río, Lluís l. Ramió-Torrentà, Ester Quintana, Vanesa Gil, Fabiana Piscitelli, Jordi Tomas-Roig, CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2018, 10.1111/cns.12810
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  • 2-Pentadecyl-2-Oxazoline, the Oxazoline of Pea, Modulates Carrageenan-Induced Acute Inflammation, Salvatore Cuzzocrea, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Emanuela Esposito, Marika Cordaro, Rosalba Siracusa, Ramona D’Amico, Enrico Gugliandolo, Marco Allarà, Irene Paterniti, Daniela Impellizzeri, Michela Campolo, Stefania Petrosino, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2017, 10.3389/fphar.2017.00308
  • Endocrine disruptors in the diet of male Sparus aurata: Modulation of the endocannabinoid system at the hepatic and central level by Di-isononyl phthalate and Bisphenol A, Oliana Carnevali, Jaume Pérez-Sánchez, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Fabiana Piscitelli, Marco Allarà, Giorgia Gioacchini, Francesca Maradonna, Josep Calduch-Giner, Constantinos C. Mylonas, Isabel Forner-Piquer, Environment International, 2018, 10.1016/j.envint.2018.06.011
  • The endogenous cannabinoid system controls extinction of aversive memories, Di Marzo, V., Lutz, B., Zieglgänsberger, W., Hofmann, C., Tang, J., Hermann, H., Cascioll, M.G., Rammes, G., Bisogno, T., Azad, S.C., Wotjak, C.T., Marsicano, G., 2002, 10.1038/nature00839
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  • Cannabinoid CB1 receptor mediates fear extinction via habituation-like processes, Wotjak, C.T., Lutz, B., Di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., Tang, J., Monory, K., Marsicano, G., Kamprath, K., 2006, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0153-06.2006
  • The levels of the endocannabinoid receptor CB2 and its ligand 2-arachidonoylglycerol are elevated in endometrial carcinoma, Iuvone, T., Di Marzo, V., Sardo, A.D.S., Nappi, C., Insabato, L., Simonetti, S., Orlando, P., Bifulco, G., Cipriano, M., Petrosino, S., D'Amico, A., De Filippis, D., Ligresti, A., Guida, M., Endocrinology, 2010, 10.1210/en.2009-0883
  • Characterization of endocannabinoids and related acylethanolamides in the synovial fluid of dogs with osteoarthritis: a pilot study, Antonio Di Bello, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Roberta Verde, Fabiana Piscitelli, Mariarosaria Marinaro, Delia Franchini, Debora Campanile, Carmela Valastro, BMC Veterinary Research, 2017, 10.1186/s12917-017-1245-7
  • Randomised clinical trial: the analgesic properties of dietary supplementation with palmitoylethanolamide and polydatin in irritable bowel syndrome, G. Barbara, V. Di Marzo, S. Petrosino, T. Iuvone, D. DeFilippis, M. Neunlist, S. Bruley des Varannes, F. Azpiroz, B. Lobo, C. Alonso Cotoner, M. Pigrau, M. Vicario, J. Santos, L. Bellacosa, M. R. Barbaro, R. F. Cogliandro, V. Stanghellini, C. Cremon, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2017, 10.1111/apt.13958
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  • Enantioselective synthesis and vanilloid activity evaluation of 1-β-(p-methoxycinnamoyl)polygodial, an antinociceptive compound from Drymis winteri barks, Spinella, A., Izzo, I., Landi, R., Di Marzo, V., Della Monica, C., De Petrocellis, L., 2007, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2007.10.001
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  • Semiplenamides A-G, Fatty Acid Amides from a Papua New Guinea Collection of the Marine Cyanobacterium Lyngbya semiplena, Gerwick, W.H., Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., McPhail, K.L., Han, B., 2003, 10.1021/np030242n
  • Synthesis and pharmacological activity of a potent inhibitor of the biosynthesis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol, Di Marzo, V., Wiley, J.L., Razdan, R.K., Mahadevan, A., Saha, B., Allarà, M., Rai, R., Burston, J.J., Bisogno, T., 2009, 10.1002/cmdc.200800442
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  • Altered responses of dopamine D3 receptor null mice to excitotoxic or anxiogenic stimuli: Possible involvement of the endocannabinoid and endovanilloid systems, Di Marzo, V., Drago, F., Leggio, G.M., Petrosino, S., Tamburella, A., Cristino, L., Micale, V., 2009, 10.1016/j.nbd.2009.06.015
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  • Cannabinoid CB1 receptor expression in relation to visceral adipose depots, endocannabinoid levels, microvascular damage, and the presence of the Cnr1 A3813G variant in humans, Sarzani, R., Di Marzo, V., Rappelli, A., Dessì-Fulgheri, P., Petrosino, S., Piscitelli, F., Montironi, R., Mazzucchelli, R., Muzzonigro, G., Minardi, D., Refi, G., Giannini, E., Mancinelli, L., Battistoni, I., Bordicchia, M., 2010, 10.1016/j.metabol.2009.09.018
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  • Endocannabinoid signaling in the brain: Biosynthetic mechanisms in the limelight, Di Marzo, V., 2011, 10.1038/nn.2720
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  • Lipidomic methodologies applicable to the study of endocannabinoids and related compounds: Endocannabinoidomics, Di Marzo, V., Piscitelli, F., Bisogno, T., 2009, 10.1002/ejlt.200800233
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  • The effect of a cAMP analogue on Ca2+ ionophore-, antigen- and agonist-induced inositol phosphate release in rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-1) cells, Di Marzo, V., Morris, H.R., Galadari, S.H.J., BBA - Molecular Cell Research, 1992, 10.1016/0167-4889(92)90072-J
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  • Analysis of endocannabinoid signaling elements and related proteins in lymphocytes of patients with Dravet syndrome, Fernández-Ruiz, J., Sagredo, O., Di Marzo, V., Aras, L.M., Montolio, M., Barroso, E., Satta, V., Verde, R., Piscitelli, F., Valdeolivas, S., Rubio, M., Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 2016, 10.1002/prp2.220
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  • A Lipidomics- and Transcriptomics-Based Analysis of the Intestine of Genetically Obese (ob/ob) and Diabetic (db/db) Mice: Links with Inflammation and Gut Microbiota, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Patrice D. Cani, Cristoforo Silvestri, Nathalie M. Delzenne, Matthias Van Hul, Nicolas Flamand, Claudia Manca, Francesco Suriano, Cells, 2023, 10.3390/cells12030411
  • Adelmidrol increases the endogenous concentrations of palmitoylethanolamide in canine keratinocytes and down-regulates an inflammatory reaction in an in vitro model of contact allergic dermatitis, Di Marzo, V., Orlando, P., Aveta, T., Allarà, M., Verde, R., Fusco, M., della Valle, M.F., Puigdemont, A., Petrosino, S., Veterinary Journal, 2016, 10.1016/j.tvjl.2015.10.060
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  • Enzymological and molecular biological studies on anandamide amidohydrolase, De Petrocellis, L., Di Marzo, V., Katoh, I., Yamamoto, S., Suzuki, H., Suzuki, M., Kurahashi, Y., Katayama, K., Ueda, N., Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2000
  • The synthesis of N-vanillyl-arachidonoyl-amide (arvanil) and its analogs: An improved procedure for the synthesis of the key synthon methyl 14-hydroxy-(all-cis)-5,8,11-tetradecatrienoate, Razdan, R.K., Marzo, V.D., Martin, B.R., Han, L., Mahadevan, A., Dasse, O., Tetrahedron, 2000, 10.1016/S0040-4020(00)00877-2
  • In vitro and in vivo pharmacology of synthetic olivetol- or resorcinol-derived cannabinoid receptor ligands, Di Marzo, V., Maione, S., Pertwee, R., Brizzi, V., Van De Doelen, T., Ross, R., Marabese, I., De Novellis, V., Brizzi, A., Van Der Stelt, M., Thomas, A., Palazzo, E., Bisogno, T., Cascio, M.G., 2006, 10.1038/sj.bjp.0706888
  • Endocannabinoid signalling and the deteriorating brain, Zimmer, A., Stella, N., Di Marzo, V., Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2015, 10.1038/nrn3876
  • The biosynthesis, fate and pharmacological properties of endocannabinoids, De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Di Marzo, V., Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, 2005, 10.1007/3-540-26573-2_5
  • Endocannabinoids control spasticity in a multiple sclerosis model., Di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., Fezza, F., Layward, L., Khanolkar, A., Makriyannis, A., Pertwee, R.G., Brown, P., Croxford, J.L., Pryce, G., Baker, D., 2001
  • Biosynthesis and metabolism of endocannabinoids and their congeners from the monoacylglycerol and N-acyl-ethanolamine families, Flamand, N., Di Marzo, V., Dumais, É., Lavoie, J.-P.C., Archambault, A.-S., Simard, M., Biochemical Pharmacology, 2022, 10.1016/j.bcp.2022.115261
  • Chemopreventive effect of the non-psychotropic phytocannabinoid cannabidiol on experimental colon cancer, Izzo, A.A., Di Marzo, V., Piscitelli, F., Gallo, L., Capasso, R., Borrelli, F., Romano, B., Aviello, G., 2012, 10.1007/s00109-011-0856-x
  • Nonpsychotropic plant cannabinoids, Cannabidivarin (CBDV) and Cannabidiol (CBD), activate and desensitize Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channels in vitro: Potential for the treatment of neuronal hyperexcitability, Stephens, G.J., Di Marzo, V., Whalley, B.J., Russo, E., Mazzarella, E., Soubrane, C., Alhusaini, A., Leo, A., Hill, C.L., Iannotti, F.A., 2014, 10.1021/cn5000524
  • Development of the first potential covalent inhibitors of anandamide cellular uptake, Di Marzo, V., Ortar, G., Morera, E., Durand, T., Cascio, M.G., Ligresti, A., Balas, L., Moriello, A.S., 2006, 10.1021/jm051226l
  • Targeted lipidomics: Endocannabinoids and other endolipid modulators, Piomelli, D., Di Marzo, V., Makriyannis, A., Rapaka, R.S., 2005, 10.1016/j.lfs.2005.05.001
  • Effects of cannabinoids and cannabinoid-enriched Cannabis extracts on TRP channels and endocannabinoid metabolic enzymes, Di Marzo, V., Stott, C.G., Petrosino, S., Bisogno, T., Allarà, M., Moriello, A.S., Ligresti, A., De Petrocellis, L., 2011, 10.1111/bph.2011.163.issue-7
  • Gene-based microbiome representation enhances host phenotype classification, Frédéric Raymond, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Pier-Luc Plante, Fred Wilfried Elom Tohoundjona, Thomas Deschênes, mSystems, 2023, 10.1128/msystems.00531-23
  • Alterations of the endocannabinoid system and circulating and peripheral tissue levels of endocannabinoids in sarcopenic rats, Walrand, S., Di Marzo, V., Montaurier, C., Martin, V., Sanchez, P., Piscitelli, F., Salles, J., Le Bacquer, O., Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 2022, 10.1002/jcsm.12855
  • Identification of endocannabinoids and cannabinoid CB1 receptor mRNA in the pituitary gland, Fernández-Ruiz, J.J., Ramos, J.A., Di Marzo, V., Fuentes, J.A., Romero, J., Bisogno, T., Corchero, J., Wenger, T., Berrendero, F., Manzanares, J., González, S., Neuroendocrinology, 1999, 10.1159/000054468
  • Poly-ε-caprolactone microspheres as a drug delivery system for cannabinoid administration: Development, characterization and in vitro evaluation of their antitumoral efficacy, Torres Suárez, A.I., Di Marzo, V., Molpeceres, J., Aberturas, M.R., Gil-Alegre, M.E., Ligresti, A., Hernan Perez De La Ossa, D., 2012, 10.1016/j.jconrel.2012.05.003
  • Blood levels of the endocannabinoid anandamide are increased in anorexia nervosa and in binge-eating disorder, but not in bulimia nervosa, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Maj, M., Martiadis, V., Matias, I., Monteleone, P., 2005, 10.1038/sj.npp.1300695
  • Synthesis and binding study of certain 6-arylalkanamides as molecular probes for cannabinoid receptor subtypes, Abouzid, K.A., Abadi, A.H., Di Marzo, V., Allarà, M., Kadry, H.H., Taher, A.T., 2013, 10.3109/14756366.2011.645241
  • Editorial: New potential therapies from vanilloid transient receptor cation (TRPV) channels, Di Marzo, V., Starowicz, K., 2008, 10.2174/138161208783330736
  • Levels of endocannabinoids and palmitoylethanolamide and their pharmacological manipulation in chronic granulomatous inflammation in rats, Di Marzo, V., Iuvone, T., Orlando, P., Petrosino, S., Cipriano, M., D'Amico, A., De Filippis, D., 2010, 10.1016/j.phrs.2009.11.005
  • Endovanilloid signaling in pain, Szallasi, A., Blumberg, P.M., Di Marzo, V., 2002, 10.1016/S0959-4388(02)00340-9
  • The Activity of Anandamide at Vanilloid VR1 Receptors Requires Facilitated Transport across the Cell Membrane and Is Limited by Intracellular Metabolism, Di Marzo, V., Finazzi-Agrò, A., Davis, J.B., Maccarrone, M., Bisogno, T., De Petrocellis, L., 2001, 10.1074/jbc.M008555200
  • Polymorphism rs1761667 in the CD36 Gene Is Associated to Changes in Fatty Acid Metabolism and Circulating Endocannabinoid Levels Distinctively in Normal Weight and Obese Subjects, Iole Tomassini Barbarossa, Sebastiano Banni, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Claudia Manca, Elisabetta Murru, Carla A. Piras, Paolo Pintus, Stefano Pintus, Gianfranca Carta, Melania Melis, Frontiers in Physiology, 2017, 10.3389/fphys.2017.01006
  • A novel fluorophosphonate inhibitor of the biosynthesis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol with potential anti-obesity effects, Di Marzo, V., Moles, A., Cravatt, B., Lichtman, A., Giacovazzo, G., Chen, Y., Allarà, M., Chang, J.W., Coccurello, R., Mahadevan, A., Bisogno, T., 2013, 10.1111/bph.12013
  • Immunohistochemical localization of anabolic and catabolic enzymes for anandamide and other putative endovanilloids in the hippocampus and cerebellar cortex of the mouse brain, Di Marzo, V., Ueda, N., Guglielmotti, V., Morishita, J., De Petrocellis, L., Starowicz, K., Cristino, L., 2008, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2007.11.047
  • The non-euphoric phytocannabinoid cannabidivarin counteracts intestinal inflammation in mice and cytokine expression in biopsies from UC pediatric patients, F. Borrelli, A.A. Izzo, V. Di Marzo, R. Capasso, P. Orlando, F. Lembo, G. Stocco, T. Venneri, M. Lucafò, L. Coretti, S. Pignatiello, M. D’Armiento, O.A. Parisi, F.A. Iannotti, B. Romano, E. Pagano, Pharmacological Research, 2019, 10.1016/j.phrs.2019.104464
  • CB1 cannabinoid receptors and on-demand defense against excitotoxicity, Lutz, B., Behl, C., Di Marzo, V., Zieglgänsberger, W., Schütz, G., Casanova, E., López-Rodríguez, M.L., Van der Stelt, M., Gutiérrez, S.O., Cascio, M.G., Azad, S.C., Cannich, A., Eder, M., Hermann, H., Monory, K., Goodenough, S., Marsicano, G., 2003, 10.1126/science.1088208
  • Single amino acid substitutions in the reactive site of antithrombin leading to thrombosis. Congenital substitution of arginine 393 to cysteine in antithrombin Northwick Park and to histidine in antithrombin Glasgow, Morris, H.R., Di Marzo, V., Lane, D.A., Panico, M., Erdjument, H., 1988
  • "De-liver-ance" from CB 1 : A way to counteract insulin resistance?, Di Marzo, V., Gastroenterology, 2012, 10.1053/j.gastro.2012.03.011
  • A gradient of 2-arachidonoylglycerol regulates mouse epididymal sperm cell start-up., Di Marzo, V., Ledent, C., Pierantoni, R., Meccariello, R., Fasano, S., Altucci, L., Chioccarelli, T., De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Cascio, M.G., Petrosino, S., Orlando, P., Cacciola, G., Ricci, G., Cobellis, G., 2010, 10.1095/biolreprod.109.079210
  • Anandamide-derived prostamide F negatively regulates adipogenesis, Di Marzo, V., Woodward, D.F., Izzo, A., Capasso, R., Piscitelli, F., Poloso, N.J., Martella, A., Silvestri, C., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013, 10.1074/jbc.M113.489906
  • CB1 receptor antagonism: biological basis for metabolic effects, Di Marzo, V., Drug Discovery Today, 2008, 10.1016/j.drudis.2008.09.001
  • Fetal cannabinoid receptors and the "dis-joint-ed" brain, Di Marzo, V., Cristino, L., 2014, 10.1002/embj.201488086
  • The multiplicity of spinal AA-5-HT anti-nociceptive action in a rat model of neuropathic pain, Starowicz, K., Di Marzo, V., Przewlocka, B., Piscitelli, F., Kucharczyk, M., Pajak, A., Makuch, W., Malek, N., Kostrzewa, M., Pharmacological Research, 2016, 10.1016/j.phrs.2016.06.012
  • Plant-derived cannabinoids modulate the activity of transient receptor potential channels of ankyrin type-1 and melastatin type-8, Di Marzo, V., Orlando, P., Marini, P., Magherini, P.C., Schiano-Moriello, A., Vellani, V., De Petrocellis, L., 2008, 10.1124/jpet.107.134809
  • Immunohistochemical localization of cannabinoid type 1 and vanilloid transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 receptors in the mouse brain, Di Marzo, V., Guglielmotti, V., Baker, D., Pryce, G., de Petrocellis, L., Cristino, L., 2006, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2006.02.074
  • Up-regulation of anandamide levels as an endogenous mechanism and a pharmacological strategy to limit colon inflammation, Di Marzo, V.D., Sorrentini, I., Cosenza, V., Scaglione, G., Valenti, M., D'Argenio, G., 2006, 10.1096/fj.05-4943fje
  • Anandamide and other cannabimimetic fatty acid derivatives — Foreword, Yamamoto, S., Di Marzo, V., Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators, 2000, 10.1016/S0090-6980(00)00050-2
  • Endocannabinoids as regulators of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels: A further opportunity to develop new endocannabinoid-based therapeutic drugs, De Petrocellis, L., Di Marzo, V., 2010, 10.2174/092986710790980078
  • Cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonism prevents neurochemical and behavioural deficits induced by chronic phencyclidine, Parolaro, D., Di Marzo, V., Rubino, T., Binelli, G., Realini, N., Zamberletti, E., Petrosino, S., Viganò, D., Guidali, C., International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2011, 10.1017/S1461145710000209
  • Treatment With 2-Pentadecyl-2-Oxazoline Restores Mild Traumatic Brain Injury-Induced Sensorial and Neuropsychiatric Dysfunctions, Luongo, L., Maione, S., Di Marzo, V., Calignano, A., Giannella, M., Ricciardi, F., Infantino, R., Belardo, C., Guida, F., Bello, F.D., Iannotti, F.A., Cristiano, C., Iannotta, M., Boccella, S., Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020, 10.3389/fphar.2020.00091
  • Endocannabinoids: Endogenous cannabinoid receptor ligands with neuromodulatory action, De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Melck, D., Di Marzo, V., 1998, 10.1016/S0166-2236(98)01283-1
  • Alterations of the endocannabinoid system by endocrine-disrupting chemicals: Effects on metabolism and reproduction, Carnevali, O., Di Marzo, V., Forner-Piquer, I., Environmental Contaminants and Endocrine Health, 2023, 10.1016/B978-0-12-824464-7.00018-0
  • Synthesis of novel 2-(1-adamantanylcarboxamido)thiophene derivatives. Selective cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptor agonists as potential agents for the treatment of skin inflammatory disease, Federico Corelli, Alessia Ligresti, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Roberta Verde, Stefania Petrosino, Nastasja Palombi, Antonella Brizzi, Alessandro Rabbito, Claudia Mugnaini, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2019, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2018.09.070
  • Decreased endocannabinoid levels in the brain and beneficial effects of agents activating cannabinoid and/or vanilloid receptors in a rat model of multiple sclerosis, Fernández-Ruiz, J., Di Marzo, V., Ramos, J.A., García-Merino, A., Valenti, M., Mestre, L., Sánchez, A., Fezza, F., De Lago, E., Venderova, K., Cabranes, A., 2005, 10.1016/j.nbd.2005.03.002
  • Antinociceptive effects of tetrazole inhibitors of endocannabinoid inactivation: Cannabinoid and non-cannabinoid receptor-mediated mechanisms, Di Marzo, V., Ortar, G., Luongo, L., Ligresti, A., Marabese, I., Morera, E., Maione, S., 2008, 10.1038/bjp.2008.308
  • Cannabinoid CB2 receptor ligand profiling reveals biased signalling and off-target activity, Mario van der Stelt, Michelle Glass, Pal Pacher, Mauro Maccarrone, Aron H. Lichtman, Jürg Gertsch, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Mark Connor, Laura H. Heitman, Hui Deng, Elliot D. Mock, Andrea Martella, Marc P. Baggelaar, Georgios Alachouzos, Lizi Xia, Nicolina Mastrangelo, Henk de Vries, Jordyn Stuart, Marianela Dalghi Gens, Andrea Chicca, Christa MacDonald, David Finlay, Noortje van Gils, Camille Perret, Benno Rothenhäusler, Christoph Ullmer, Luciano de Petrocellis, Filomena Fezza, Travis W. Grim, Jürgen Fingerle, Uwe Grether, Marjolein Soethoudt, Nature Communications, 2017, 10.1038/ncomms13958
  • Opposing control of cannabinoid receptor stimulation on amyloid-β-induced reactive gliosis: In vitro and in vivo evidence, Steardo, L., Di Marzo, V., Papa, M., De Filippis, D., Scuderi, C., Savani, C., Iuvone, T., Esposito, G., 2007, 10.1124/jpet.107.121566
  • Rational drug design paradigms: The odyssey for designing better drugs, Mavromoustakos, T., Di Marzo, V., Langer, T., Bryant, S., Melagraki, G., Afantitis, A., Tzakos, A.G., Hadjikakou, S., Kokotos, G., Moutevelis-Minakakis, P., Liapakis, G., Vrontaki, E., Ntountaniotis, D., Kellici, T., Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening, 2015
  • Sex steroid influence on cannabinoid CB1 receptor mRNA and endocannabinoid levels in the anterior pituitary gland, Fernández-Ruiz, J.J., Ramos, J.A., Di Marzo, V., Berrendero, F., Milone, A., Manzanares, J., Wenger, T., Bisogno, T., González, S., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2000, 10.1006/bbrc.2000.2406
  • Inhibitory effect of the anorexic compound oleoylethanolamide on gastric emptying in control and overweight mice, Izzo, A.A., Di Marzo, V., Capasso, F., Romano, B., Orlando, P., Borrelli, F., Petrosino, S., Capasso, R., Matias, I., Aviello, G., 2008, 10.1007/s00109-008-0305-7
  • Targeting the endocannabinoid system: To enhance or reduce?, Di Marzo, V., 2008, 10.1038/nrd2553
  • The biosynthesis of N-arachidonoyl dopamine (NADA), a putative endocannabinoid and endovanilloid, via conjugation of arachidonic acid with dopamine, Walker, J.M., Di Marzo, V., Cravatt, B.F., Roskoski Jr., R., Tan, B., Masuda, K., Bisogno, T., Minassi, A., Huang, S.M., Chen, J.S.-C., Benton, V.M., Bradshaw, H.B., Hu, S.S.-J., 2009, 10.1016/j.plefa.2009.05.026
  • Erratum: Corrigendum to Halogenation of a capsaicin analogue leads to novel vanilloid TRPVI receptor antagonists (British Journal Pharmacology (2003) 139 (1417-1424)), Di Marzo, V., Geppetti, P., Benvenuti, F., Trevisani, M., Moriello, A.S., Bianchi, F., Daddario, N., De Petrocellis, L., Harrison, S., Appendino, G., 2003, 10.1038/sj.bjp.0705565
  • The endocannabinoid system protects rat glioma cells against HIV-1 Tat protein-induced cytotoxicity: Mechanism and regulation, Iuvone, T., Di Marzo, V., Di Rosa, M., Ruvo, M., Bisogno, T., Izzo, A.A., Ligresti, A., Esposito, G., 2002, 10.1074/jbc.M207170200
  • Synthesis and molecular targets of N-13-hydroxy-octadienoyl-ethanolamine, a novel endogenous bioactive 15-lipoxygenase-derived metabolite of N-linoleoyl-ethanolamine found in the skin and saliva, Flamand, N., Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., De Petrocellis, L., Pouliot, R., Simard, M., Desjardins, Y., Plante, P.-L., Martin, C., Kostrzewa, M., Rakotoarivelo, V., Dumais, É., Archambault, A.-S., Tinto, F., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2021, 10.1016/j.bbalip.2021.158954
  • Antithrombin Chicago, amino acid substitution of arginine 393 to histidine, Rosenberg, R.D., Bauer, K., Morris, H.R., Di Marzo, V., Panico, M., Lane, D.A., Erdjument, H., 1989, 10.1016/0049-3848(89)90127-8
  • First Evidence of the Protective Effects of 2-Pentadecyl-2-Oxazoline (PEA-OXA) in In Vitro Models of Acute Lung Injury, Stefania Petrosino, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Roberta Verde, Rosa Camerlingo, Marco Allarà, Giuseppina Rea, Fabio Arturo Iannotti, Fiorentina Roviezzo, Aniello Schiano Moriello, Biomolecules, 2022, 10.3390/biom13010033
  • ω10-lipoxygenase products of α-linolenic acid are esterified to phospholipids in Hydra vulgaris, Cimino, G., De Petrocellis, L., Vardaro, R.R., Di Marzo, V., 1996, 10.1007/BF01923355
  • Palmitoylethanolamide, a naturally occurring lipid, is an orally effective intestinal anti-inflammatory agent, Izzo, A.A., Di Marzo, V., Orlando, P., Battista, G., Coppola, D., Capasso, R., Pagano, E., Petrosino, S., Romano, B., Borrelli, F., British Journal of Pharmacology, 2015, 10.1111/bph.12907
  • Effects of non-euphoric plant cannabinoids on muscle quality and performance of dystrophic mdx mice, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Luciano De Petrocellis, Elvira De Leonibus, Raffaele Capasso, Elisabetta Gazzerro, Luca D'Orsi, Nicolina Cristina Sorrentino, Filomena Grazia Alvino, Aniello Schiano Moriello, Ester Pagano, Fabio Arturo Iannotti, British Journal of Pharmacology, 2018, 10.1111/bph.14460
  • New quinolone- and 1,8-naphthyridine-3-carboxamides as selective CB2 receptor agonists with anticancer and immuno-modulatory activity, Bifulco, M., Macchia, M., Nieri, P., Di Marzo, V., Gazzerro, P., Pisanti, S., Ciaglia, E., Savinainen, J.R., Saccomanni, G., Ligresti, A., Laezza, C., Bertini, S., Fogli, S., Carpi, S., Lucchesi, V., Parkkari, T., Malfitano, A.M., Manera, C., European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2015.04.034
  • Dose-Specific Effects of Di-Isononyl Phthalate on the Endocannabinoid System and on Liver of Female Zebrafish, Oliana Carnevali, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Hamid R Habibi, Fabiana Piscitelli, Marco Allarà, Stefania Santangeli, Giorgia Gioacchini, Francesca Maradonna, Isabel Forner-Piquer, Endocrinology, 2017, 10.1210/en.2017-00458
  • Erratum: "The hypothalamic levels of the endocannabinoid, anandamide, peak immediately before the onset of puberty in female rats" (Life Sciences (2002) 70:12 (1407-1414) PII: S0024320501015168), Di Marzo, V., Fernandez-Ruiz, J., Bisogno, T., González, S., Fezza, F., Gerendai, I., Wenger, T., 2002, 10.1016/S0024-3205(02)01800-3
  • Effect of dietary fat on endocannabinoids and related mediators: Consequences on energy homeostasis, inflammation and mood, di Marzo, V., Banni, S., 2010, 10.1002/mnfr.200900516
  • Up-regulation of the endocannabinoid system in the uterus of leptin knockout (ob/ob) mice and implications for fertility, Di Marzo, V., Mechoulam, R., Suris, R., Finazzi Agrò, A., Battista, N., Cascio, M.G., Bari, M., Bisogno, T., Fride, E., Maccarrone, M., 2005, 10.1093/molehr/gah130
  • The endocannabinoid signalling system: Biochemical aspects, Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., Bisogno, T., 2005, 10.1016/j.pbb.2005.01.027
  • Altered Metabolism of Phospholipases, Diacylglycerols, Endocannabinoids, and N-Acylethanolamines in Patients with Mastocytosis, Stefania Loffredo, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Massimo Triggiani, Giancarlo Marone, Gilda Varricchi, Maria Rosaria Galdiero, Roberta Parente, Angelica Petraroli, Fabiana Piscitelli, Anne Lise Ferrara, Journal of Immunology Research, 2019, 10.1155/2019/5836476
  • Synthesis and biological evaluation of piperazinyl carbamates and ureas as fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and transient receptor potential (TRP) channel dual ligands, Ortar, G., Di Marzo, V., Woodward, D.F., Nalli, M., Ligresti, A., Moriello, A.S., Morera, L., De Petrocellis, L., Morera, E., 2009, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2009.09.033
  • Arachidonoylethyleneglycol and its nitroester as new cannabimimetics: Oxidation by 15-lipoxygenase and hydrolysis by fatty acid amide hydrolase, Manevich, Y., Di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., De Petrocellis, L., Marvanov, D.M., Titova, O.Yu., Kogteva, G.S., Verevochkina, E.Yu., Fedenyuk, A.P., Serkov, I.V., Archakov, A.V., Gretskaya, N.M., Bobrov, M.Yu., Bezuglov, V.V., 1998
  • Orexin-A Prevents Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Neuroinflammation at the Level of the Intestinal Barrier, Letizia Palomba, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Luigia Cristino, Nataša Milić, Livia D'Angelo, Raffaele Capasso, Isabella Mavaro, Alba Clara Fernández-Rilo, Nicola Forte, Lea Tunisi, Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2019, 10.3389/fendo.2019.00219
  • An endogenous cannabinoid tone attenuates cholera toxin-induced fluid accumulation in mice, Di Marzo, V., Mascolo, N., Lutz, B., Cecio, A., Borrelli, F., Pinto, L., Capasso, R., Matias, I., Ligresti, A., Marsicano, G., Bisogno, T., Costagliola, A., Capasso, F., Izzo, A.A., 2003, 10.1016/S0016-5085(03)00892-8
  • Minireview: Interactions between second messengers: Cyclic AMP and phospholipase A2- and phospholipase C-metabolites, Morris, H.R., Tippins, J.R., Galadari, S.H.I., Di Marzo, V., Life Sciences, 1991, 10.1016/0024-3205(91)90011-Y
  • The taming of capsaicin. Reversal of the vanilloid activity of N-acylvanillamines by aromatic iodination, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Moriello, A.S., Minassi, A., Daddario, N., Appendino, G., 2005, 10.1021/jm050139q
  • Questions and answers, Vermersch, P., Di Marzo, V., Haas, J., 2011, 10.1586/ern.11.28
  • At the heart of the matter: The endocannabinoid system in cardiovascular function and dysfunction, Di Marzo, V., Montecucco, F., 2012, 10.1016/j.tips.2012.03.002
  • Systemic administration of serotonin exacerbates abdominal pain and colitis via interaction with the endocannabinoid system, Jakub Fichna, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Wanda M. Krajewska, Radzislaw Kordek, Ewa Malecka-Panas, Roberta Verde, Adam I. Cygankiewicz, Anna Mokrowiecka, Fabiana Piscitelli, Agata Binienda, Maciej Salaga, Biochemical Pharmacology, 2019, 10.1016/j.bcp.2019.01.001
  • Why do cannabinoid receptors have more than one endogenous ligand?, De Petrocellis, L., Di Marzo, V., 2012, 10.1098/rstb.2011.0382
  • Endocannabinoids, Di Marzo, V., Fride, E., Mechoulam, R., 1998, 10.1016/S0014-2999(98)00649-9
  • Effects of metabolites of the analgesic agent dipyrone (metamizol) on rostral ventromedial medulla cell activity in mice, Imming, P., Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Luongo, L., De Gregorio, D., Radanova, L., Maione, S., 2015, 10.1016/j.ejphar.2014.12.022
  • Care and feeding of the endocannabinoid system: A systematic review of potential clinical interventions that upregulate the endocannabinoid system, Di Marzo, V., Guy, G.W., McPartland, J.M., 2014, 10.1371/journal.pone.0089566
  • Homology modeling in tandem with 3D-QSAR analyses: A computational approach to depict the agonist binding site of the human CB2 receptor, Fossa, P., Ranise, A., Spallarossa, A., Milanesi, L., Marabotti, A., D'Ursi, P., Lazzati, Z., Di Marzo, V., Allar, M., Ligresti, A., Cichero, E., 2011, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2011.07.023
  • Endocannabinoid metabolic pathways and enzymes, Di Marzo, V., Cascio, M.G., Ligresti, A., 2005
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  • Corrigendum to “Systemic administration of serotonin exacerbates abdominal pain and colitis via interaction with the endocannabinoid system” [Biochem. Pharmacol. 161 (2019) 37–51], Jakub Fichna, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Wanda M. Krajewska, Radzislaw Kordek, Ewa Malecka-Panas, Roberta Verde, Adam I. Cygankiewicz, Anna Mokrowiecka, Fabiana Piscitelli, Agata Binienda, Maciej Salaga, Biochemical Pharmacology, 2019, 10.1016/j.bcp.2019.113636
  • The endocannabinoid system in energy homeostasis and the etiopathology of metabolic disorders, Di Marzo, V., Silvestri, C., 2013, 10.1016/j.cmet.2013.03.001
  • Neural contractions in colonic strips from patients with diverticular disease: Role of endocannabinoids and substance P, Croci, T., Di Marzo, V., Ferla, G., Di Palo, S., Bianchetti, A., Matias, I., Mukenge, S., Valenti, M., Guagnini, F., 2006, 10.1136/gut.2005.076372
  • Anandamide as an intracellular messenger regulating ion channel activity, Di Marzo, V., Van Der Stelt, M., 2005, 10.1016/j.prostaglandins.2004.09.007
  • Two non-psychoactive cannabinoids reduce intracellular lipid levels and inhibit hepatosteatosis, Di Marzo, V., Motta, A., Cawthorne, M., Guadagnino, I., Melck, D., Martella, A., Paris, D., Silvestri, C., Journal of Hepatology, 2015, 10.1016/j.jhep.2015.01.001
  • Cannabinoid CB1 receptor stimulation affords neuroprotection in MPTP-induced neurotoxicity by attenuating S100B up-regulation in vitro, Steardo, L., Di Marzo, V., Scuderi, C., Petrosino, S., Bisogno, T., De Filippis, D., Esposito, G., Iuvone, T., Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2007, 10.1007/s00109-007-0233-y
  • Meet our editor, Di Marzo, V., Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery, 2015
  • Cannabimimetic fatty acid derivatives in cancer and inflammation, Bisogno, T., De Petrocellis, L., Melck, D., Di Marzo, V., 2000, 10.1016/S0090-6980(00)00054-X
  • Further evidence for the existence of a specific process for the membrane transport of anandamide, Di Marzo, V., Ortar, G., Lutz, B., Monory, K., Van Der Stelt, M., Morera, E., Ligresti, A., 2004, 10.1042/BJ20031812
  • Anandamide: Some like it hot, De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Di Marzo, V., 2001, 10.1016/S0165-6147(00)01712-0
  • Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel amides of polyunsaturated fatty acids with dopamine, Durand, T., Vidal, J.-P., Rossi, J.-C., Kuklev, D., Di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., Melck, D., Zinchenko, G., Gonchar, A., Gretskaya, N., Bobrov, M., Bezuglov, V., 2001, 10.1016/S0960-894X(00)00689-2
  • Metabolically labile cannabinoid esters: A 'soft drug' approach for the development of cannabinoid-based therapeutic drugs, Macchia, M., Di Marzo, V., Bifulco, M., Digiacomo, M., Bertini, S., Prota, G., Bisogno, T., Carboni, I., Cascio, M.G., Minutolo, F., 2007, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2007.06.055
  • Development of a Rapid LC-MS/MS Method for the Quantification of Cannabidiol, Cannabidivarin, Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabivarin, and Cannabigerol in Mouse Peripheral Tissues, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Angelo A. Izzo, Anna Lauritano, Ester Pagano, Fabiana Piscitelli, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01094
  • Placebo Effects in a Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity Enriched Clinical Trial with the Oromucosal Cannabinoid Spray (THC/CBD): Dimension and Possible Causes, Centonze, D., Di Marzo, V., CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 2015, 10.1111/cns.12358
  • Analogues of perillaketone as highly potent agonists of TRPA1 channel, Di Marzo, V., Schiano Moriello, A., De Petrocellis, L., Morini, G., Borgonovo, G., Bassoli, A., 2013, 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.05.063
  • Editorial, Di Marzo, V., 2013, 10.2174/1574889811308010001
  • Leptin-regulated endocannabinoids are involved in maintaining food intake, Kunos, G., Sugiura, T., Palmiter, R.D., Miura, G.I., Fezza, F., Járai, Z., Bátkai, S., Liu, J., Wang, L., Goparaju, S.K., Di Marzo, V., 2001, 10.1038/35071088
  • In Silico-Guided Rational Drug Design and Synthesis of Novel 4-(Thiophen-2-yl)butanamides as Potent and Selective TRPV1 Agonists, Artese, A., Alcaro, S., Di Marzo, V., Corelli, F., Maione, S., Scorzelli, F., Mugnaini, C., Moriello, A.S., Paolino, M., Maramai, S., Luongo, L., Frosini, M., De Petrocellis, L., Costa, G., Carullo, G., Belardo, C., Aiello, F., Ambrosio, F.A., Pessina, F., Brizzi, A., Romeo, I., Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2023, 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c00447
  • Erratum to: Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Neurological Disorders(Neurotherapeutics, Doi:10.1007/s13311-015-0388-0), Di Marzo, V., Whalley, B.J., Devinsky, O., Neurotherapeutics, 2015, 10.1007/s13311-015-0392-4
  • Anandamide and diet: Inclusion of dietary arachidonate and docosahexaenoate leads to increased brain levels of the corresponding N-acylethanolamines in piglets, Di Marzo, V., Innis, S., Cavaliere, P., Bisogno, T., Crozier, G., Berger, A., 2001, 10.1073/pnas.101119098
  • Endocannabinoids Part II: Pathological CNS conditions involving the endocannabinoid system and their possible treatment with endocannabinoid-based drugs, Petrocellis, L.D., Bisogno, T., Di Marzo, V., 2001, 10.1517/14728222.5.3.349
  • Endovanilloid control of pain modulation by the rostroventromedial medulla in an animal model of diabetic neuropathy, Di Marzo, V., Morgado, C., Tavares, I., Piscitelli, F., Charrua, A., Martins, D., Silva, M., Neuropharmacology, 2016, 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2016.03.007
  • Non-THC cannabinoids inhibit prostate carcinoma growth in vitro and in vivo: Pro-apoptotic effects and underlying mechanisms, Di Marzo, V., Orlando, P., Cristino, L., Stott, C.G., Verde, R., Iappelli, M., Schiano Moriello, A., Ligresti, A., De Petrocellis, L., 2013, 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.02027.x
  • The developmentally regulated avian Ch21 lipocalin is an extracellular fatty acid-binding protein, Cancedda, R., Cermelli, S., Carlevaro, M., Bet, P., Marzo, V.D., Gentili, C., Malpeli, M., Cancedda, F.D., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1996, 10.1074/jbc.271.33.20163
  • Prostaglandin F-1,15-lactone fatty acyl esters: a prostaglandin lactone pathway branch developed during the reproduction and early larval stages of a marine mollusc, Cimino, G., Mollo, E., Vardaro, R.R., Minardi, C., Di Marzo, V., 1992, 10.1016/0305-0491(92)90164-M
  • Dietary fatty acid intake and gut microbiota determine circulating endocannabinoidome signaling beyond the effect of body fat, Veilleux, A., Di Marzo, V., Flamand, N., Raymond, F., Lamarche, B., Martin, C., Perron, J., Parent, L., Rochefort, G., Lacroix, S., Castonguay-Paradis, S., Scientific Reports, 2020, 10.1038/s41598-020-72861-3
  • Acute resistance exercise induces antinociception by activation of the endocannabinoid system in rats, Perez, A., Di Marzo, V., Duarte, I., Piscitelli, F., Parrella, C., Cruz, J., De Paula, A.M., Aguiar, D., Da Silva, J.F.P., Romero, T., Galdino, G., 2014, 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000340
  • Endocannabinoid overactivity and abdominal obesity, Despres, J.-P., Di Marzo, V., Abdominal Obesity and the Endocannabinoid System: From Basic Aspects to Clinical Management of Related Cardiometabolic Risk, 2008
  • Pharmacological enhancement of the endocannabinoid system in the nucleus accumbens shell stimulates food intake and increases c-Fos expression in the hypothalamus, Prospéro-García, O., Di Marzo, V., Navarro, L., Petrosino, S., Cisneros, M., Rueda-Orozco, P.E., Matias, I., Soria-Gómez, E., 2007, 10.1038/sj.bjp.0707313
  • Hypolocomotor effects in rats of capsaicin and two long chain capsaicin homologues, Fernandez-Ruiz, J.J., Davis, J.B., Milone, A., De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Lastres-Becker, I., Di Marzo, V., 2001, 10.1016/S0014-2999(01)01012-3
  • Oleoyl glycine: interference with the aversive effects of acute naloxone-precipitated MWD, but not morphine reward, in male Sprague–Dawley rats, Linda A. Parker, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Raphael Mechoulam, Aron H. Lichtman, Madeleine Sheppard-Perkins, Ashlyn E. Humphrey, Erin M. Rock, Cheryl L. Limebeer, Reem Smoum, Fabiana Piscitelli, Kiri L. Wills, Gavin N. Petrie, Psychopharmacology, 2019, 10.1007/s00213-019-05237-9
  • Endocannabinoid chemical biology: a tool for the development of novel therapies, Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., Petrosino, S., 2009, 10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.04.616
  • Effects of intra-ventrolateral periaqueductal grey palmitoylethanolamide on thermoceptive threshold and rostral ventromedial medulla cell activity, Maione, S., Di Marzo, V., Rossi, F., Calignano, A., D'Agostino, G., Marabese, I., Russo, R., Palazzo, E., Cristino, L., Guida, F., Luongo, L., De Novellis, V., 2012, 10.1016/j.ejphar.2011.11.034
  • Two novel classes of neuroactive fatty acid amides are substrates for mouse neuroblastoma 'anandamide amidohydrolase', Di Marzo, V., Marino, G., Di Luccia, A., De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Maurelli, S., 1995, 10.1016/0014-5793(95)01311-3
  • Alteration of the endocannabinoid system in mouse brain during prion disease, Chabry, J., Di Marzo, V., Zsürger, N., Ménard, B., Petrosino, S., 2011, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.12.046
  • Beneficial effect of the non-psychotropic plant cannabinoid cannabigerol on experimental inflammatory bowel disease, Izzo, A.A., Di Marzo, V., Pagano, E., Battista, G., Orlando, P., Coppola, D., Maiello, F., Capasso, R., Romano, B., Fasolino, I., Borrelli, F., 2013, 10.1016/j.bcp.2013.01.017
  • Mathematical modeling of fluid dynamics in in vitro gut fermentation systems: A new tool to improve the interpretation of microbial metabolism, Yves Desjardins, Elsa Rousseau, Denis Roy, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Cristoforo Silvestri, Benjamin Gosselin‐Cliche, Charlène Roussel, Joseph Lupien‐Meilleur, Jacob Lessard‐Lord, The FASEB Journal, 2024, 10.1096/fj.202301739RR
  • Endocannabinoids: An appetite for fat, Di Marzo, V., 2011, 10.1073/pnas.1109567108
  • The analgesic effect of N-arachidonoyl-serotonin, a FAAH inhibitor and TRPV1 receptor antagonist, associated with changes in rostral ventromedial medulla and locus coeruleus cell activity in rats, Maione, S., Di Marzo, V., Starowicz, K., Marabese, I., Cristino, L., Migliozzi, A., Luongo, L., Guida, F., Petrosino, S., De Petrocellis, L., Rossi, F., Palazzo, E., de Novellis, V., 2008, 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2008.06.023
  • Alterations in the Endocannabinoid System as a Link Between Unbalanced Energy Homeostasis, Neuroinflammation, and Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., Metabolic Syndrome and Neurological Disorders, 2013, 10.1002/9781118395318.ch12
  • Effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at the enteric level in a synucleinopathy mouse model, Soulet, D., Calon, F., Flamand, N., Di Marzo, V., Tremblay, C., Guyaz, C., Côté, M., Dahhani, F., Coulombe, K., Lamontagne‐proulx, J., Nutrients, 2021, 10.3390/nu13124218
  • Distinct Temporal Fingerprint for Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) Signaling of Indole-2-carboxamides as Allosteric Modulators of the Cannabinoid Receptors, Glass, M., Silvestri, R., Di Marzo, V., Connor, M., Cawston, E.E., Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.5b00579
  • Cannabinoid properties of methylfluorophosphonate analogs, Razdan, R.K., Mahadevan, A., Dasse, O., Di Marzo, V., Deutsch, D.G., Winckler, R., Jefferson, R., Patrick, G., Beletskaya, I., Martin, B.R., 2000
  • Presynaptic facilitation of glutamatergic synapses to dopaminergic neurons of the rat substantia nigra by endogenous stimulation of vanilloid receptors, Mercuri, N.B., Bernardi, G., Maccarrone, M., Matias, I., Berretta, N., Di Marzo, V., Marinelli, S., 2003
  • TRPA1 channels as targets for resveratrol and related stilbenoids, De Petrocellis, L., Di Marzo, V., Morera, E., Moriello, A.S., Ortar, G., Nalli, M., Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2015.12.065
  • Taste sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil is associated with endocannabinoid plasma levels in normal-weight individuals, Banni, S., Di Marzo, V., Muroni, P., Vacca, C., Zonza, A., Melis, M., Murru, E., Carta, G., Tomassini Barbarossa, I., 2013, 10.1016/j.nut.2012.09.018
  • Anandamide-loaded nanoparticles: Preparation and characterization, Molpeceres, J., Di Marzo, V., Torres, A.I., De Petrocellis, L., Ligresti, L.A., Gil, M.E., Hernán, D., Aberturas, M.R., 2011, 10.3109/02652048.2010.546436
  • Treatment with the GPR55 antagonist CID16020046 increases neutrophil activation in mouse atherogenesis, Mach, F., Di Marzo, V., Stergiopulos, N., Fraga-Silva, R.A., Brandt, K.J., Dallegri, F., Liberale, L., Roth, A., Carbone, F., Piscitelli, F., Burger, F., Lenglet, S., Bondarenko, A.I., Montecucco, F., Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2016, 10.1160/TH16-02-0139
  • Effect on cancer cell proliferation of palmitoylethanolamide, a fatty acid amide interacting with both the cannabinoid and vanilloid signalling systems, Di Marzo, V., Melck, D., Bifulco, M., Ligresti, A., Bisogno, T., De Petrocellis, L., 2002, 10.1046/j.1472-8206.2002.00094.x
  • Overlapping Distribution of Orexin and Endocannabinoid Receptors and Their Functional Interaction in the Brain of Adult Zebrafish, Marina Paolucci, Vincenzo di Marzo, Ettore Varricchio, Luigia Cristino, Paolo de Girolamo, Fabiana Piscitelli, Hamidreza Ahmadniaye Motlagh, Omid Safari, Livia D’Angelo, Roberta Imperatore, Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2018, 10.3389/fnana.2018.00062
  • Dual role of neuropeptidergic system in pathology of asthma?, Morris, H.R., Tippins, J.R., Marzo, V.D., Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 1987, 10.1016/0165-6147(87)90158-1
  • FAAH-Catalyzed C–C Bond Cleavage of a New Multitarget Analgesic Drug, Gennaro Marino, Vincenzo Di Marzo, David F. Woodward, Pietro Amodeo, Sabatino Maione, Angela Amoresano, Anna Illiano, Francesca Guida, Livio Luongo, Robert W. Carling, Marco Allarà, Jenny W. Wang, Fabiana Piscitelli, Jose L. Martos, Rosa Maria Vitale, Cristoforo Silvestri, Alessia Ligresti, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2018, 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00315
  • Anandamide produced by Ca2+-insensitive enzymes induces excitation in primary sensory neurons, Nagy, I., Buluwela, L., Di Marzo, V., Csernoch, L., White, J.P.M., Brain, S., Yaqoob, M., Kyle, F., Taylor, A.H., Andreou, A.P., Piscitelli, F., Selvarajah, S., Austin, J., Chen, J., Sousa-Valente, J., Marczylo, T.H., Jenes, A., Varga, A., Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 2014, 10.1007/s00424-013-1360-7
  • Validation of a fast and sensitive UPLC-MS/MS quantitative method for N-acyl taurine analysis in biological samples, Cutignano, A., Di Marzo, V., Bindels, L.B., Falascina, G., Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2023, 10.1016/j.jpba.2023.115252
  • In vitro and in vivo pharmacological characterization of two novel selective cannabinoid CB2 receptor inverse agonists, Maione, S., Di Marzo, V., Pasquini, S., Corelli, F., Palazzo, E., Pertwee, R.G., Bolognini, D., Cascio, M.G., Pharmacological Research, 2010, 10.1016/j.phrs.2009.11.011
  • Cannabinoid receptors are absent in insects, Glass, M., Mercer, A., De Petrocellis, L., Marzo, V.D., McPartland, J., Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2001, 10.1002/cne.1078
  • The ever-expanding world of the endocannabinoids: A concise introduction, Di Marzo, V., Piscitelli, F., Cannabinoids in Neurologic and Mental Disease, 2015, 10.1016/B978-0-12-417041-4.00024-2
  • Fish Oil, Cannabidiol and the Gut Microbiota: An Investigation in a Murine Model of Colitis, Borrelli, F., Di Marzo, V., Izzo, A.A., Parisi, O.A., Calignano, A., Cristiano, C., Venneri, T., Lacroix, S., Pagano, E., Silvestri, C., Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020, 10.3389/fphar.2020.585096
  • Study of the regulation of the endocannabinoid system in a virus model of multiple sclerosis reveals a therapeutic effect of palmitoylethanolamide, Docagne, F., Di Marzo, V., Guaza, C., Hernangómez, M., Correa, F., Spagnolo, A., Mestre, L., Petrosino, S., Loría, F., 2008, 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2008.06377.x
  • Assessment of the effects of dietary vitamin d levels on olanzapine-induced metabolic side effects: Focus on the endocannabinoidome-gut microbiome axis, Silvestri, C., Di Marzo, V., Flamand, N., Martin, C., Lacroix, S., Leblanc, N., Shen, M., Iannotti, F.A., Manca, C., Abolghasemi, A., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 10.3390/ijms222212361
  • Endocannabinoids: Endogenous cannabinoid receptor ligands with neuromodulatory action (Trends in Neurosciences (521-528) PII S016622369813831386), De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Melck, D., Di Marzo, V., 1999, 10.1016/S0166-2236(98)01383-6
  • The effect of vasoactive intestinal peptide and calcitonin gene-related peptide on peptidoleukotriene release from platelet activating factor stimulated rat lungs and ionophore stimulated guinea pig lungs, Morris, H.R., Tippins, J.R., Di Marzo, V., 1986
  • Three of a kind: Control of the expression of liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (leap2) by the endocannabinoidome and the gut microbiome, Di Marzo, V., Silvestri, C., Cani, P.D., Flamand, N., Veilleux, A., Iannotti, F.A., Allam-Ndoul, B., Pechereau, F., Nallabelli, N., Suriano, F., Manca, C., Shen, M., Molecules, 2022, 10.3390/molecules27010001
  • Neurobehavioral activity in mice of N-vanillyl-arachidonyl-amide, Martin, B.R., Razdan, R.K., Szallasi, A., Tao, Q., Patrick, G., Melck, D., Bisogno, T., Breivogel, C., Di Marzo, V., 2000, 10.1016/S0014-2999(00)00687-7
  • The endocannabinoid system in leptin-driven changes of orexinergic signaling under physiological and pathological conditions, Di Marzo, V., Palomba, L., Imperatore, R., Cristino, L., Endocannabinoids and Lipid Mediators in Brain Functions, 2017, 10.1007/978-3-319-57371-7_1
  • From phytocannabinoids to cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoids: Pleiotropic physiological and pathological roles through complex pharmacology, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Ligresti, A., Physiological Reviews, 2016, 10.1152/physrev.00002.2016
  • New approaches and challenges to targeting the endocannabinoid system, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 2018, 10.1038/nrd.2018.115
  • Bisphenol a induces fatty liver by an endocannabinoid-mediated positive feedback loop, Carnevali, O., Di Marzo, V., Overby, D.R., Radaelli, G., Allara, M., Gioacchini, G., Maradonna, F., Silvestri, C., Martella, A., Endocrinology, 2016, 10.1210/en.2015-1384
  • Chemical characterisation of oxidative degradation products of Δ9-THC, Gavagnin, M., Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., Sutton, A., Daniele, A., Castelluccio, F., Carbone, M., Tetrahedron, 2010, 10.1016/j.tet.2010.10.025
  • Anandamide and decidual remodelling: COX-2 oxidative metabolism as a key regulator, Teixeira, N., Correia-Da-Silva, G., Di Marzo, V., Fonseca, B.M., Piscitelli, F., Almada, M., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2015, 10.1016/j.bbalip.2015.08.011
  • A re-evaluation of 9-HODE activity at TRPV1 channels in comparison with anandamide: Enantioselectivity and effects at other TRP channels and in sensory neurons, Di Marzo, V., Starowicz, K., Cristino, L., Imperatore, R., Schiano Moriello, A., De Petrocellis, L., 2012, 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.02122.x
  • Endocannabinoids generated by Ca2+ or by metabotropic glutamate receptors appear to arise from different pools of diacylglycerol lipase, Alger, B.E., di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., Wang, M., Zhang, L., PLoS ONE, 2011, 10.1371/journal.pone.0016305
  • The first dual ChE/FAAH inhibitors: New perspectives for Alzheimer's disease?, Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., Andrisano, V., Gobbi, S., Belluti, F., Bisi, A., Bartolini, M., Rampa, A., 2012, 10.1021/ml200313p
  • Acute neuronal injury, excitotoxicity, and the endocannabinoid system, Vliegenthart, J.F.G., Di Marzo, V., Veldink, G.A., Nicolay, K., Bär, P.R., Maccarrone, M., Veldhuis, W.B., Van der Stelt, M., 2002, 10.1385/MN:26:2-3:317
  • N-Acyldopamines and N-Acylserotonins: From Synthetic Pharmacological Tools to Endogenous Multitarget Mediators, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., The Endocannabinoidome: The World of Endocannabinoids and Related Mediators, 2015, 10.1016/B978-0-12-420126-2.00005-5
  • Orexin-A and endocannabinoids are involved in obesity-associated alteration of hippocampal neurogenesis, plasticity, and episodic memory in mice, Cristino, L., Di Marzo, V., Maione, S., De Leonibus, E., De Girolamo, P., Capasso, R., Piscitelli, F., Iannotta, M., De Risi, M., Iannotti, F.A., Imperatore, R., Fernández-Rilo, A.C., Tunisi, L., Boccella, S., Forte, N., Nature Communications, 2021, 10.1038/s41467-021-26388-4
  • The role of cyclic AMP in the inhibition of leukotriene biosynthesis by neuropeptides, Morris, H.R., Tippins, J.R., Di Marzo, V., 1989, 10.1016/0014-2999(89)90610-9
  • Formation of OX-1R/CB1R heteromeric complexes in embryonic mouse hypothalamic cells: Effect on intracellular calcium, 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol biosynthesis and ERK phosphorylation, Cristino, L., Marzo, V.D., Piscitelli, F., Spiezio, A.D., Morello, G., Palomba, L., Imperatore, R., Pharmacological Research, 2016, 10.1016/j.phrs.2016.07.009
  • 5th EFLM-UEMS European Joint Congress in Laboratory Medicine, , Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), 2018, 10.1515/cclm-2018-1038
  • Cannabinoid actions at TRPV channels: Effects on TRPV3 and TRPV4 and their potential relevance to gastrointestinal inflammation, Izzo, A.A., di Marzo, V., Stott, C., Aviello, G., Moriello, A.S., Orlando, P., de Petrocellis, L., 2012, 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02338.x
  • Polyunsaturated-fatty-acid oxidation in Hydra: Regioselectivity, substratedependent enantioselectivity and possible biological role, Cimino, G., Milone, A., De Petrocellis, L., Gianfrani, C., Di Marzo, V., 1994
  • Identification and characterization of phytocannabinoids as novel dual PPARα/γ agonists by a computational and in vitro experimental approach, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Rosa Maria Vitale, Pietro Amodeo, Roy Gray, Francesca Balestrieri, Marco Allarà, Alessandra Gentile, Fabio Arturo Iannotti, Tariq Fellous, Enrico D'Aniello, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 2019, 10.1016/j.bbagen.2019.01.002
  • Role of endocannabinoids and endovanilloids in Ca2+ signalling, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Cell Calcium, 2009, 10.1016/j.ceca.2009.03.003
  • Acute inhibition of diacylglycerol lipase blocks endocannabinoid-mediated retrograde signalling: Evidence for on-demand biosynthesis of 2-arachidonoylglycerol, Kano, M., Di Marzo, V., Shimizu, T., Sano, Y., Kita, Y., Tanimura, A., Ohno-Shosaku, T., Hashimotodani, Y., 2013, 10.1113/jphysiol.2013.254474
  • TRPV1 modulators: Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of 1-heteroaryl piperidinecarboxamide and piperazinylurea derivatives, De Petrocellis, L., Di Marzo, V., Schiano-Moriello, A., Onnis, V., Balboni, G., Congiu, C., European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2015.05.041
  • Kavalactones and the endocannabinoid system: The plant-derived yangonin is a novel CB 1 receptor ligand, Di Marzo, V., Ujváry, I., Allarà, M., Villano, R., Ligresti, A., Pharmacological Research, 2012, 10.1016/j.phrs.2012.04.003
  • Possible endocannabinoid control of colorectal cancer growth, Di Marzo, V., Sorrentini, I., Bifulco, M., Scaglione, G., D'Argenio, G., Cosenza, V., Cascio, M.G., De Petrocellis, L., Matias, I., Bisogno, T., Ligresti, A., 2003, 10.1016/S0016-5085(03)00881-3
  • Altered dopamine D3 receptor gene expression in MAM model of schizophrenia is reversed by peripubertal cannabidiol treatment, Micale, V., Di Marzo, V., Mechoulam, R., Drago, F., Starcuk, Z., Wotjak, C.T., Bucolo, C., Sulcova, A., Salomone, S., Giurdanella, G., Fedotova, J., Babinska, Z., Piscitelli, F., Pekarik, V., Kratka, L., D'Addario, C., Ruda-Kucerova, J., Iannotti, F.A., Platania, C.B.M., Drazanova, E., Di Marco, R., Di Bartolomeo, M., Stark, T., Biochemical Pharmacology, 2020, 10.1016/j.bcp.2020.114004
  • Endocannabinoid-dependent disinhibition of orexinergic neurons: Electrophysiological evidence in leptin-knockout obese mice, Giuseppe Busetto, Luigia Cristino, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Morgana Favero, Thorsten Michael Becker, Molecular Metabolism, 2017, 10.1016/j.molmet.2017.04.005
  • At the tip of an iceberg: Prenatal marijuana and its possible relation to neuropsychiatric outcome in the offspring, Harkany, T., Di Marzo, V., Alpár, A., Biological Psychiatry, 2016, 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.09.009
  • Role of 2-Arachidonoyl-Glycerol and CB1 Receptors in Orexin-A-Mediated Prevention of Oxygen–Glucose Deprivation-Induced Neuronal Injury, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Luigia Cristino, Valeria Bruno, Giuseppe Battaglia, Federica Mastroiacovo, Raffaele Capasso, Fabiana Piscitelli, Roberta Imperatore, Andrea Motta, Letizia Palomba, Cells, 2020, 10.3390/cells9061507
  • Spinal anandamide produces analgesia in neuropathic rats: Possible CB 1- and TRPV1-mediated mechanisms, Przewlocka, B., Di Marzo, V., Petrosino, S., Piscitelli, F., Osikowicz, M., Makuch, W., Starowicz, K., Neuropharmacology, 2012, 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2011.11.021
  • Capsaicin-like effects of N-arachidonoyl-dopamine in the isolated guinea pig bronchi and urinary bladder, Di Marzo, V., Geppetti, P., Bifulco, M., Benvenuti, F., Trevisani, M., De Petrocellis, L., Harrison, S., 2003, 10.1016/S0014-2999(03)02114-9
  • Cannabinomimetic lipid from a marine cyanobacterium, Gerwick, W.H., Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., Debonsi, H.M., Pereira, A.R., Gutiérrez, M., 2011, 10.1021/np200610t
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  • Editorial on “Cannabis and cannabinoids: history, practice and socio-economical inferences of a controversial plant”, Marino, G., Di Marzo, V., Rendiconti Lincei, 2021, 10.1007/s12210-021-00975-5
  • The anandamide membrane transporter. Structureâ€"activity relationships of anandamide and oleoylethanolamine analogs with phenyl rings in the polar head group region, Ortar, G., Nalli, M., Morera, E., Ligresti, A., Di Marzo, V., 2004, 10.1016/j.bmc.2004.07.026
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  • Exogenous anandamide protects rat brain against acute neuronal injury in vivo, Nicolay, K., Di Marzo, V., Vliegenthart, J.F.G., Veldink, G.A., Bär, P.R., Bisogno, T., Fezza, F., Van Haaften, G.W., Veldhuis, W.B., Van Der Stelt, M., 2001
  • Adipocyte-specific Nos2 deletion improves insulin resistance and dyslipidemia through brown fat activation in diet-induced obese mice, Marette, A., Laplante, M., Di Marzo, V., Bellmann, K., Sola-Penna, M., Zancan, P., Centano-Baez, C., Rokatoarivelo, V., Lachance, G., Perazza, L.R., Nachbar, R., Samson, N., Vilela, V.R., Molecular Metabolism, 2022, 10.1016/j.molmet.2022.101437
  • The CB1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM251 attenuates amphetamine-induced behavioural sensitization while causing monoamine changes in nucleus accumbens and hippocampus, Hasenöhrl, R.U., Molleman, A., Di Marzo, V., Thiemann, G., Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2008, 10.1016/j.pbb.2008.01.010
  • 3-Ylidenephthalides as a new class of transient receptor potential channel TRPA1 and TRPM8 modulators, De Petrocellis, L., Di Marzo, V., Nalli, M., Morera, E., Schiano Moriello, A., Ortar, G., 2013, 10.1016/j.bmcl.2013.08.039
  • Reversal of albuminuria by combined AM6545 and perindopril therapy in experimental diabetic nephropathy, G Gruden, G Bruno, L Annaratone, A Makriyannis, VK Vemuri, B Corbetta, V di Marzo, F Piscitelli, R Gambino, R Mastrocola, S Bellini, F Barutta, British Journal of Pharmacology, 2018, 10.1111/bph.14495
  • Regulation of hypothalamic endocannabinoid levels by neuropeptides and hormones involved in food intake and metabolism: Insulin and melanocortins, Di Marzo, V., Bertolini, A., Pocai, A., Ottani, A., Petrosino, S., Vergoni, A.V., Matias, I., 2008, 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2007.06.011
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  • Endocannabinoids as physiological regulators of colonic propulsion in mice, Capasso, F., Di Marzo, V., Mascolo, N., Brown, D.R., HospodarScott, K., Bisogno, T., Cascio, M.G., Izzo, A.A., Pinto, L., 2002, 10.1053/gast.2002.34242
  • Homologues and isomers of noladin ether, a putative novel endocannabinoid: Interaction with rat cannabinoid CB1 receptors, Di Marzo, V., Bisogno, T., Daddario, N., Minassi, A., Ligresti, A., Appendino, G., Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2003, 10.1016/S0960-894X(02)00839-9
  • Participants with Normal Weight or with Obesity Show Different Relationships of 6-n-Propylthiouracil (PROP) Taster Status with BMI and Plasma Endocannabinoids, Iole Tomassini Barbarossa, Sebastiano Banni, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Daniela Demurtas, Laura Muredda, Carla A. Piras, Paolo Pintus, Stefano Pintus, Melania Melis, Gianfranca Carta, Scientific Reports, 2017, 10.1038/s41598-017-01562-1
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  • Exposure to Allergen Causes Changes in NTS Neural Activities after Intratracheal Capsaicin Application, in Endocannabinoid Levels and in the Glia Morphology of NTS, Bruno D’Agostino, Sabatino Maione, Francesco Rossi, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Vito de Novellis, Nikol Sullo, Enza Palazzo, Maria Matteis, Stefania Petrosino, Francesca Guida, Livio Luongo, Giuseppe Spaziano, BioMed Research International, 2015, 10.1155/2015/980983
  • Effects of diisononyl phthalate (DiNP) on the endocannabinoid and reproductive systems of male gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) during the spawning season, Oliana Carnevali, Jaume Pérez-Sánchez, Josep Calduch-Giner, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Fabiana Piscitelli, Maria Papadaki, Ioannis Fakriadis, Constantinos C. Mylonas, Isabel Forner-Piquer, Archives of Toxicology, 2019, 10.1007/s00204-018-2378-6
  • Exercise training and high-fat diet elicit endocannabinoid system modifications in the rat hypothalamus and hippocampus, Heyman, E., Di Marzo, V., Bastide, B., Leclair, E., Cieniewski-Bernard, C., Dupont, E., Leriche, M., Aveta, T., Mazzarella, E., Piscitelli, F., Iannotti, F.A., Aucouturier, J., Gamelin, F.-X., Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016, 10.1007/s13105-017-0557-1
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  • Author Correction: CB1 receptor activation induces intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and 2-arachidonoylglycerol release in rodent spinal cord astrocytes, Miklós Antal, Vincenzo Di Marzo, László Csernoch, Balázs Pál, Krisztina Holló, Fabiana Piscitelli, Áron Kőszeghy, Tamás Oláh, Zoltán Hegyi, Scientific Reports, 2018, 10.1038/s41598-018-30573-9
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  • The endocannabinoidome as a substrate for noneuphoric phytocannabinoid action and gut microbiome dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders, Di Marzo, V., Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 2020, 10.31887/DCNS.2020.22.3/VDIMARZO
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  • Changes in the endocannabinoid signaling system in CNS structures of TDP-43 transgenic mice: relevance for a neuroprotective therapy in TDP-43-related disorders, Fernández-Ruiz, J., de Lago, E., Di Marzo, V., Ramos, J.A., Verde, R., Piscitelli, F., Espejo-Porras, F., Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 2015, 10.1007/s11481-015-9602-4
  • Olive oil-derived endocannabinoid-like mediators inhibit palatable food-induced reward and obesity, Cristino, L., Di Marzo, V., Mollica, M.P., Piscitelli, F., Silvestri, C., Giorgini, G., Khalilzadehsabet, T., Salviati, E., De Leonibus, E., Villano, R., Lauritano, A., Marfella, B., Roussel, C., Forte, N., Communications Biology, 2023, 10.1038/s42003-023-05295-y
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  • An orally active Cannabis extract with high content in cannabidiol attenuates chemically-induced intestinal inflammation and hypermotility in the mouse, Borrelli, F., Di Marzo, V., Izzo, A.A., Lauritano, A., Finizio, S., Parisi, O.A., Romano, B., Piscitelli, F., Capasso, R., Pagano, E., Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2016, 10.3389/fphar.2016.00341
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  • Development of a potent inhibitor of 2-arachidonoylglycerol hydrolysis with antinociceptive activity in vivo, Di Marzo, V., Maione, S., Nalli, M., Palazzo, E., Morera, E., Petrosino, S., Ortar, G., Bisogno, T., 2009, 10.1016/j.bbalip.2008.10.007
  • Structure-activity relationships of thiazole and benzothiazole derivatives as selective cannabinoid CB2 agonists with in vivo anti-inflammatory properties, Ashraf H. Abadi, Noha A. Osman, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Ali Mokhtar Mahmoud, Alessandro Rabbito, Alessia Ligresti, Aya E. Ghonim, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2019, 10.1016/j.ejmech.2019.07.002
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  • Novel mechanisms in obesity, type 2 diabetes and accompanying inflammation: Focus on lipid signaling, Di Marzo, V., 2010, 10.1016/j.ddmec.2011.01.001
  • Orexin-A and endocannabinoid activation of the descending antinociceptive pathway underlies altered pain perception in leptin signaling deficiency, Di Marzo, V., Maione, S., Busetto, G., Piscitelli, F., Morello, G., Becker, T., Boccella, S., Imperatore, R., Luongo, L., Cristino, L., Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016, 10.1038/npp.2015.173
  • Full Inhibition of Spinal FAAH Leads to TRPV1-Mediated Analgesic Effects in Neuropathic Rats and Possible Lipoxygenase-Mediated Remodeling of Anandamide Metabolism, Di Marzo, V., Przewlocka, B., Cristino, L., De Petrocellis, L., Petrosino, S., Zychowska, M., Slezak, M., Malek, N., Korostynski, M., Makuch, W., Starowicz, K., 2013, 10.1371/journal.pone.0060040
  • Cannabidiol, a safe and non-psychotropic ingredient of the marijuana plant Cannabis sativa, is protective in a murine model of colitis, Izzo, A.A., Di Marzo, V., Capasso, F., Petrosino, S., Guadagno, F., Maiello, F., Capasso, R., Orlando, P., Aviello, G., Romano, B., Borrelli, F., 2009, 10.1007/s00109-009-0512-x
  • Mooreamide A: A cannabinomimetic lipid from the marine cyanobacterium Moorea bouillonii, Gerwick, W.H., Di Marzo, V., Allara', M., Matainaho, T., Mevers, E., 2014, 10.1007/s11745-014-3949-9
  • Endocannabinoid modulation in the olfactory epithelium, Schild, D., Manzini, I., Di Marzo, V., Piscitelli, F., Czesnik, D., Breunig, E., 2010, 10.1007/978-3-642-14426-4_11
  • Exploiting Nanotechnologies and TRPV1 Channels to Investigate the Putative Anandamide Membrane Transporter, di Marzo, V., Molpeceres, J., Torres, A.-I., Gil, M.E., Finizio, A., Moriello, A.S., Cristino, L., Aberturas, R., de la Ossa, D.H.P., de Petrocellis, L., Ligresti, A., 2010, 10.1371/journal.pone.0010239
  • Biosynthesis and degradation of bioactive fatty acid amides in human breast cancer and rat pheochromocytoma cells - Implications for cell proliferation and differentiation, Di Marzo, V., Yamamoto, S., De Petrocellis, L., Ueda, N., Melck, D., Katayama, K., Bisogno, T., 1998, 10.1046/j.1432-1327.1998.2540634.x
  • Endovanilloids: Putative endogenous ligands of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 channels, Di Marzo, V., Van Der Stelt, M., 2004, 10.1111/j.1432-1033.2004.04081.x
  • The endocannabinoid system and pivotal role of the CB2 receptor in mouse spermatogenesis, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Bisogno, T., Geremia, R., Petrosino, S., Lolicato, F., Di Siena, S., Orlando, P., Grimaldi, P., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2009, 10.1073/pnas.0812789106
  • First "hybrid" ligands of vanilloid TRPV1 and cannabinoid CB 2 receptors and non-polyunsaturated fatty acid-derived CB 2-selective ligands, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Pertwee, R., Ross, R., Thomas, A., Minassi, A., Moriello, A.S., Bacchiega, S., Cascio, M.G., Appendino, G., FEBS Letters, 2006, 10.1016/j.febslet.2005.12.069
  • Oxyhomologues of anandamide and related endolipids: Chemoselective synthesis and biological activity, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Cascio, M.G., Moriello, A.S., Berton, L., Minassi, A., Appendino, G., 2006, 10.1021/jm051240y
  • New perspectives on enigmatic vanilloid receptors, Di Marzo, V., Szallasi, A., 2000, 10.1016/S0166-2236(00)01630-1
  • Involvement of the Endocannabinoid System in the Control of Pain and Obesity by Exercise in Rodents: A Systematic Review, Galdino, G., Di Marzo, V., Rodríguez, J., Malta, I., Moraes, T., Elisei, L., Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2023, 10.1089/can.2022.0291
  • Play an ADAGIO with a STRADIVARIUS: The right patient for CB1 receptor antagonists?, Di Marzo, V., 2008, 10.1038/ncpcardio1319
  • Cloning of the first sn1-DAG lipases points to the spatial and temporal regulation of endocannabinoid signaling in the brain, Doherty, P., Di Marzo, V., Hobbs, C., Gangadbaran, U., Williams, E.-J., Paul, P., Schiano-Moriello, A., Matias, I., Ligresti, A., Cascio, M.G., Minassi, A., Williams, G., Howell, F., Bisogno, T., 2003, 10.1083/jcb.200305129
  • Neuropeptides and leukotriene biosynthesis: The effect of calcitonin, peptide histidine valine-42, helodermin, neuropeptide Y and galanin, Morris, H.R., Galadari, S.H.I., Tippins, J.R., Di Marzo, V., 1988, 10.1016/0143-4179(88)90071-6
  • Phytocannabinoids promote viability and functional adipogenesis of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells through different molecular targets, Iannotti, F.A., Di Marzo, V., Maione, S., Petrosino, S., Boccella, S., Carannante, B., Kalkan, H., De Maio, F., Fellous, T., Biochemical Pharmacology, 2020, 10.1016/j.bcp.2020.113859
  • Preface, Di Marzo, V., Després, J.-P., Abdominal Obesity and the Endocannabinoid System: From Basic Aspects to Clinical Management of Related Cardiometabolic Risk, 2008
  • Oxidative metabolism of lipoamino acids and vanilloids by lipoxygenases and cyclooxygenases, Marnett, L.J., Marzo, V.D., Al-Mestarihi, A.H., Ball, H.L., Vila, A., Turman, M.V., Prusakiewicz, J.J., Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007, 10.1016/j.abb.2007.04.007
  • The synthesis, release and action of leukotrienes in the isolated, unstimulated, buffer-perfused rat heart, Maisey, M.N., Morris, H.R., Tippins, J.R., Di Marzo, V., Mashiter, G.D., Garlick, P.B., 1989, 10.1016/0022-2828(89)90688-3
  • Cannabidiol improves vocal learning-dependent recovery from, and reduces magnitude of deficits following, damage to a cortical-like brain region in a songbird pre-clinical animal model, Ken Soderstrom, Vincenzo Di Marzo, James Brodie, Marie Woolley-Roberts, Julien C. Dodu, Ali Alalawi, Neuropharmacology, 2019, 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2019.107716
  • Palmitoylethanolamide, endocannabinoids and related cannabimimetic compounds in protection against tissue inflammation and pain: Potential use in companion animals, Di Marzo, V., Miolo, A., Barbero, R., Re, G., 2007, 10.1016/j.tvjl.2005.10.003
  • Enhancement of anandamide formation in the limbic forebrain and reduction of endocannabinoid contents in the striatum of Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol-tolerant rats, Fernández-Ruiz, J.J., Ramos, J.A., Cebeira, M., Romero, J., Cavaliere, P., González, S., Bisogno, T., Berrendero, F., Di Marzo, V., Journal of Neurochemistry, 2000, 10.1046/j.1471-4159.2000.0741627.x
  • Editorial, Di Marzo, V., 2014, 10.2174/157488980901140428100532
  • Possible involvement of endocannabinoids in the increase of morphine consumption in maternally deprived rat, Daugé, V., Di Marzo, V., Giros, B., Piscitelli, F., Naudon, L., 2013, 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2012.10.008
  • Beneficial effects of akkermansia muciniphila are not associated with major changes in the circulating endocannabinoidome but linked to higher mono-palmitoyl-glycerol levels as new pparα agonists, Cani, P.D., Marzo, V.D., de Vos, W.M., Delzenne, N.M., Hermans, M.P., Loumaye, A., Thissen, J.-P., Maiter, D., Pelicaen, R., Everard, A., Druart, C., Flamand, N., Silvestri, C., Iannotti, F.A., Vitale, R.M., Depommier, C., Cells, 2021, 10.3390/cells10010185
  • Rimonabant in rats with a metabolic syndrome: Good news after the depression, Szallasi, A., Di Marzo, V., 2008, 10.1038/bjp.2008.170
  • CB2-selective cannabinoid receptor ligands: Synthesis, pharmacological evaluation, and molecular modeling investigation of 1,8-naphthyridin-2(1 H)-one-3-carboxamides, Manera, C., Reggio, P.H., Abood, M.E., Di Marzo, V., Macchia, M., Sharir, H., Saccomanni, G., Minutolo, F., Ligresti, A., Lawrence, L., Allarà, M., Ehrmann, B.M., Bertini, S., Shore, D.M., Hurst, D.P., Lucchesi, V., Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 10.1021/jm500807e
  • Arachidonic acid and eicosanoids in Hydra: Possible endogenous signals involved in chemoreception and modulation of the feeding behaviour, Di Marzo, V., Minei, R., De Petrocellis, L., Pierobon, P., Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1997, 10.1007/978-1-4899-1810-9_78
  • Prostaglandin Ethanolamides (Prostamides): In Vitro Pharmacology and Metabolism, Woodward, D.F., Di Marzo, V., Burk, R.M., Kedzie, K.M., Nieves, A.L., Liang, Y., Li, C., Protzman, C.E., Shi, L., Krauss, A.H.-P., Fezza, F., Ligresti, A., Bisogno, T., De Petrocellis, L., Chen, J., Matias, I., 2004, 10.1124/jpet.103.061705
  • A Designer Diet Induces Thermogenic Adipocytes via Raptor and Prolongs Healthy Lifespan, Enzo Nisoli, Alessandra Valerio, Sheila Collins, Roberto Coppari, Gianluigi Condorelli, Ilaria Decimo, Saverio Cinti, Michele O. Carruba, Claudio Luchinat, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Francesco Bifari, Kieran Tuohy, Matthias U. Scholz, Lisa Rizzetto, Leonardo Tenori, Luisa Ponzoni, Ryan P. Ceddia, Dianxin Liu, Ilenia Severi, Annachiara Pino, Carolina Greco, Laura Tedesco, Franck Bontems, Rafael Maciel Ioris, Emiliano Manzo, Adele Cutignano, Fabiana Piscitelli, Veronica Ghini, Pierluigi Carullo, Fabio Rossi, Chiara Ruocco, Maurizio Ragni, SSRN Electronic Journal, 1911, 10.2139/ssrn.3435269
  • Endocannabinoid pathways and their role in multiple sclerosis-related muscular dysfunction, Di Marzo, V., 2011, 10.1586/ern.11.26
  • CB1 receptor activation induces intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and 2-arachidonoylglycerol release in rodent spinal cord astrocytes, Miklós Antal, Vincenzo Di Marzo, László Csernoch, Balázs Pál, Krisztina Holló, Fabiana Piscitelli, Áron Kőszeghy, Tamás Oláh, Zoltán Hegyi, Scientific Reports, 2018, 10.1038/s41598-018-28763-6
  • Biosynthesis, uptake, and degradation of anandamide and palmitoylethanolamide in leukocytes, Di Marzo, V., De Petrocellis, L., Melck, D., Maurelli, S., Bisogno, T., 1997, 10.1074/jbc.272.6.3315
  • Low fatty acid amide hydrolase and high anandamide levels are associated with failure to achieve an ongoing pregnancy after IVF and embryo transfer, Finazzi-Agrò, A., Di Marzo, V., Manna, C., Fezza, F., Lazzarin, N., Valensise, H., Bisogno, T., Maccarrone, M., 2002
  • Prefrontal cortex stimulation induces 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol-mediated suppression of excitation in dopamine neurons, Pistis, M., Gessa, G.L., Di Marzo, V., Marsicano, G., Lutz, B., Pillolla, G., Muntoni, A.L., Perra, S., Melis, M., 2004, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3502-04.2004
  • Endocannabinoid signaling controls pyramidal cell specification and long-range axon patterning, Harkany, T., Galve-Roperh, I., Lu, H.-C., Guzmán, M., Lutz, B., Mackie, K., Guillemot, F., Hurd, Y.L., Di Marzo, V., Marsicano, G., Menory, K., Nguyen, L., Rosado, C.J.B., Barabás, K., Keimpema, E., Aguado, T., Mulder, J., 2008, 10.1073/pnas.0803545105
  • Linking the Endocannabinoidome with Specific Metabolic Parameters in an Overweight and Insulin-Resistant Population: From Multivariate Exploratory Analysis to Univariate Analysis and Construction of Predictive Models, Patrice D. Cani, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Nathalie M. Delzenne, Amandine Everard, Michel P. Hermans, Audrey Loumaye, Jean-Paul Thissen, Dominique Maiter, Rudy Pelicaen, Nicolas Flamand, Clara Depommier, Cells, 2021, 10.3390/cells10010071
  • Goods and Bads of the Endocannabinoid System as a Therapeutic Target: Lessons Learned after 30 Years, van der Stelt, M., Ueda, N., Piomelli, D., Makriyannis, A., Hua, T., Howlett, A.C., Grether, U., Gertsch, J., Marzo, V.D., Maccarrone, M., Pharmacological Reviews, 2023, 10.1124/pharmrev.122.000600
  • Selection of alternative Gi-mediated signaling pathways at the dopamine D2 receptor by protein kinase C, Piomelli, D., Schwartz, J.-C., Sokoloff, P., Vial, D., Marzo, V.D., Journal of Neuroscience, 1993
  • Dietary krill oil increases docosahexaenoic acid and reduces 2-arachidonoylglycerol but not N-acylethanolamine levels in the brain of obese Zucker rats, Banni, S., Uda, S., Berge, K., Batetta, B., Collu, M., Bisogno, T., Giordano, E., Cordeddu, L., Ligresti, A., Murru, E., Carta, G., Griinari, M., Di Marzo, V., 2010, 10.1016/j.idairyj.2009.11.015
  • Endocannabinoids may mediate the ability of (n-3) fatty acids to reduce ectopic fat and inflammatory mediators in obese Zucker rats, Banni, S., Di Marzo, V., Bruheim, I., Collu, M., Uda, S., Bisogno, T., Sanna, F., Giordano, E., Cordeddu, L., Ligresti, A., Murru, E., Carta, G., Griinari, M., Batetta, B., 2009, 10.3945/jn.109.104844
  • Maternal dietary fat determines metabolic profile and the magnitude of endocannabinoid inhibition of the stress response in neonatal rat offspring, Walker, C.-D., Di Marzo, V., Cunnane, S.C., Grajzer, M., Tremblay-Mercier, J., Long, H., D'Asti, E., 2010, 10.1210/en.2009-1092
  • Preface, Wang, J.W., Di Marzo, V., The Endocannabinoidome: The World of Endocannabinoids and Related Mediators, 2014, 10.1016/B978-0-12-420126-2.00016-X
  • Targeting the endocannabinoid system in cancer therapy: A call for further research, Di Marzo, V., Bifulco, M., 2002, 10.1038/nm0602-547
  • The endocannabinoid system: Its general strategy of action, tools for its pharmacological manipulation and potential therapeutic exploitation, Di Marzo, V., 2009, 10.1016/j.phrs.2009.02.010
  • This first 2014 issue of Recent Patents in CNS Drug Discovery covers a range of rather diverse, but not necessarily unrelated topics. Introduction, Marzo, V.D., Recent patents on CNS drug discovery, 2014
  • Endocannabinoids: Some like it fat (and sweet too), Di Marzo, V., Cristino, L., Matias, I., 2008, 10.1111/j.1365-2826.2008.01678.x
  • Increased levels of palmitoylethanolamide and other bioactive lipid mediators and enhanced local mast cell proliferation in canine atopic dermatitis, Miragliotta, V., Di Marzo, V., Petrosino, S., Cristino, L., della Valle, M.F., Albanese, F., Campora, L., Abramo, F., 2014, 10.1186/1746-6148-10-21
  • Pharmacological inhibition of MAGL attenuates experimental colon carcinogenesis, Angelo A. Izzo, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Lorena Buono, Fabiana Piscitelli, Raffaele Capasso, Roberta Imperatore, Gabriella Aviello, Lucia Morbidelli, Martina Monti, Barbara Romano, Pierangelo Orlando, Francesca Borrelli, Ester Pagano, Pharmacological Research, 2017, 10.1016/j.phrs.2017.02.002
  • Palmitoylethanolamide induces microglia changes associated with increased migration and phagocytic activity: involvement of the CB2 receptor, S. Maione, V. de Novellis, V. Di Marzo, L. Cristino, F. sca Rossi, F. Piscitelli, E. D’Aniello, F. A. Iannotti, R. Imperatore, A. Rizzo, A. Furiano, I. Manzo, G. Bellini, R. Romano, M. E. Giordano, S. Boccella, L. Luongo, F. Guida, Scientific Reports, 2017, 10.1038/s41598-017-00342-1
  • Circulating endocannabinoids in insulin sensitive vs. Insulin resistant obese postmenopausal women. A MONET group study, Di Marzo, V., Prud'Homme, D., Piscitelli, F., Petrosino, S., Faraj, M., Rabasa-Lhoret, R., Yasari, S., Abdulnour, J., 2014, 10.1002/oby.20498
  • The inhibition of 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol (2-AG) biosynthesis, rather than enhancing striatal damage, protects striatal neurons from malonate-induced death: A potential role of cyclooxygenase-2-dependent metabolism of 2-AG, Fernández-Ruiz, J., Di Marzo, V., Sagredo, O., Allarà, M., Iannotti, F.A., Piscitelli, F., Bisogno, T., Pazos, M.R., Valdeolivas, S., 2013, 10.1038/cddis.2013.387
  • Investigations on the 4-quinolone-3-carboxylic acid motif. 4. Identification of new potent and selective ligands for the cannabinoid type 2 receptor with diverse substitution patterns and antihyperalgesic effects in mice, Corelli, F., Di Marzo, V., Ligresti, A., Frosini, M., Dragoni, S., Maione, S., De Chiaro, M., Luongo, L., Guida, F., Mugnaini, C., Pedani, V., De Rosa, M., Pasquini, S., 2011, 10.1021/jm200476p
  • Increasing cannabinoid levels by pharmacological and genetic manipulation delay disease progression in SOD1 mice, Greensmith, L., Baker, D., Di Marzo, V., Petrosino, S., Pryce, G., Dick, J.R.T., Bilsland, L.G., 2006, 10.1096/fj.05-4743fje
  • The anandamide membrane transporter inhibitor, VDM-11, modulates sleep and c-Fos expression in the rat brain, Drucker-Colín, R., Di Marzo, V., Millán-Aldaco, D., Murillo-Rodríguez, E., 2008, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2008.08.056
  • Enhanced cognitive performance of dopamine D3 receptor " knock-out" mice in the step-through passive-avoidance test: Assessing the role of the endocannabinoid/endovanilloid systems, Drago, F., Di Marzo, V., Leggio, G.M., Petrosino, S., Tamburella, A., Cristino, L., Micale, V., 2010, 10.1016/j.phrs.2010.02.003
  • Plasma palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) as a potential biomarker for impaired coronary function, Fabrizio Montecucco, Thomas H. Schindler, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Franco Dallegri, Alain Golay, Estelle Lauer, Sébastien Lenglet, Aurélien Thomas, Zoltan Pataky, Luca Liberale, Aldo Bonaventura, Federico Carbone, Alessandra Quercioli, International Journal of Cardiology, 2017, 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.12.023

Contribution à l'enseignement aux cycles supérieurs

Étudiant(e)s dirigé(e)s*

Depuis 2009
  • Fabiano Cimmino - Post-doctorat - En cours
  • Hilal Kalkan - Post-doctorat - En cours
  • Nayudu Nallabelli - Doctorat - En cours
  • Chanté Muller - Post-doctorat - En cours
  • Fredy Alexander Guevara Agudelo - Doctorat - En cours
  • Giada Giorgini - Doctorat - En cours
  • Hayatte-Dounia Mir - Post-doctorat - En cours
  • Armita Abolghasemi - Doctorat - 2020/05
  • Frédéric Bégin - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2021/01
  • Rim Ben Necib - Doctorat - 2021/09
  • Gabrielle St-Arnaud - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2023/05

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*Les supervisions d’étudiant(e)s de 1er cycle en stage de recherche et de résident(e)s aux études médicales postdoctorales seront répertoriées ultérieurement.