Découvrez nos professeurs et professeures!
Marie-Josée Sirois
Professeure titulaire
Contribution à la recherche
Axe de recherche de l'Université Laval :
Santé et bien-être durables
Thématiques de recherche de la Faculté de médecine :
Perte d’autonomie et réadaptation
Santé des populations et pratiques optimales en santé
Soins et services de première ligne
Transfert des connaissances
Domaines et intérêts de recherche du (de la) professeur(e) :
Santé des populations
- Sciences paramédicales
- Prévention en santé
Services de santé
- Médecine d'urgence
- Soins à domicile
- Services de première ligne
- Organisation des soins de santé
- Perte d'autonomie
- Âge et facteurs de risques
Projets de recherche
- Dérivation et validation d'un outil de stratification du risque applicable en préhospitalier et visant à identifier les personnes âgées nécessitant des soins urgents ou une hospitalisation à la suite d’une chute - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, co-chercheur - 2023-10-01 au 2026-09-30
- Interventions non pharmacologiques visant la réduction des symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques de la démence (SCPD) chez les personnes âgées hospitalisées présentant un trouble neurocognitif majeur (TNCM) - CHU de Québec – Université Laval – CHUL - Subvention en recherche clinique (PCRE), chercheur principal - 2024-05-14 au 2026-03-31
- Implantation d’une clinique de paramédicine communautaire : Projet pilote et adaptation de la CP@Clinic au Québec - CIUSSS - CN - VITAM Centre de recherche en santé durable - Concours de développement de projets de recherche 2023-2024 Chercheur(-euse)s régulier(-ère)s, co-chercheur - 2024-02-20 au 2025-03-31
- Physiotherapy care in Emergency Departments for Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial and Cost Analysis - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, Université de Montréal, co-chercheur - 2021-04-01 au 2024-09-30
- Caractérisation de la fragilité et trajectoires de services de santé chez les aînés du Québec - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé - Réseaux thématiques de recherche, chercheur principal - 2023-08-09 au 2024-09-30
- Optimisation et évaluation d’un programme d’éducation pour vieillir en santé pendant le confinement - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture, co-chercheur - 2021-03-15 au 2024-06-15
- Supporting the creation of a LEARNing INteGrated health system to mobilize context-adapted knowledge with a Wiki platform to Improve the transitions of frail Seniors from from hospitals and emergency Departments to the cOMmunity : The ... - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, co-chercheur - 2017-04-01 au 2021-03-31
- La clinique des ainés : une transition innovante des soins pour aînés fragilisés – Éviter le retour à la case départ - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention de fonctionnement : Transitions dans les soins, co-chercheur - 2019-04-01 au 2021-03-31
- Timed Up and Go predicts functional decline in older patients presenting to the emergency department following minor trauma, Emond, M., Neveu, X., Wilding, L., Griffith, L., Lee, J., Daoust, R., Lang, E., Sirois, M.-J., Perry, J.J., Eagles, D., Age and Ageing, 2017, 10.1093/ageing/afw184
- Technology profiles as proxies for measuring functional and frailty status, Lee, J.S., Rockwood, K., Émond, M., Goldstein, J., Sirois, M.-J., Tierney, M.C., Chignell, M., Tong, T., Procedia Computer Science, 2017, 10.1016/j.procs.2017.06.013
- National survey of physicians to determine the effect of unconditional incentives on response rates of physician postal surveys, Perry, J.J., Wilding, L., Lee, J.S., Sirois, M.-J., Émond, M., Taljaard, M., Brehaut, J., Abdulaziz, K., BMJ Open, 2015, 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007166
- Cognitive functioning following traumatic brain injury in older adults: associations with social participation and health-related quality of life, Simon Beaulieu-Bonneau, Natalie Le Sage, Marcel Émond, Marie-Ève Lamontagne, Élaine de Guise, Marie-Josée Sirois, David Predovan, Carol Hudon, Marie-Christine Ouellet, Laurence Caron, Brain Injury, 2022, 10.1080/02699052.2022.2110284
- Assessing the pool activity level (PAL) checklist for use with people with hearing and vision loss, Iracema Leroi, Wai Kent Yeung, Chyrssoula Thodi, Marie-Josée Sirois, Gregor Russell, Antonis Politis, Robert Laforce, Catherine Helmer, Renaud David, Mathieu Côté, Anna Pavlina Charalambous, Jackie Pool, Piers Dawes, Geriatric Nursing, 2023, 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2023.06.001
- National survey of family physicians to define functional decline in elderly patients with minor trauma, Perry, J.J., Wilding, L., Lee, J.S., Sirois, M.-J., Émond, M., Taljaard, M., Brehaut, J., Abdulaziz, K.E., BMC Family Practice, 2016, 10.1186/s12875-016-0520-1
- Pediatric trauma mortality by type of designated hospital in a mature inclusive trauma system, Émond, M., Sirois, M.-J., Moore, L., Lavoie, A., Amini, R., Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock, 2011, 10.4103/0974-2700.76824
- Tablet-based frailty assessments in emergency care for older adults, Lee, J., Rockwood, K., Émond, M., Goldstein, J., Sirois, M.-J., Tierney, M.C., Chignell, M., Tong, T., Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2016, 10.1177/1541931213601140
- Using the Bergman-Paris Question to screen seniors in the emergency department, Émond, M., Sirois, M.-J., Brousseau, A.-A., Lee, J., Minh Vu, T.T., Morin, M., Berthelot, S., Daoust, R., Gouin, E., Pelletier, M., Giroux, M., Boucher, V., Ouellet, M.-C., Voyer, P., Laguë, A., Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2018, 10.1017/cem.2017.412
- Comparing the effects of a home-based exercise program using a gerontechnology to a community-based group exercise program on functional capacities in older adults after a minor injury, Aubertin-Leheudre, M., Sirois, M.-J., Émond, M., Daoust, R., Fruteau de Laclos, L., Agnoux, A., Lauzé, M., Martel, D., Experimental Gerontology, 2018, 10.1016/j.exger.2018.03.016
- Exercise Interventions for Community-Dwelling Older Adults Following an Emergency Department Consultation for a Minor Injury, Aubertin-Leheudre, M., Daoust, R., Émond, M., Blais, J., Martel, D., Blanchette, A., Sirois, M.-J., Fruteau de Laclos, L., Journal of aging and physical activity, 2020, 10.1123/japa.2019-0200
- Life habits performance of individuals with brain injury in different living environments, Boucher, N., Sirois, M.-J., Careau, E., Poncet, F., Lamontagne, M.-E., Brain Injury, 2013, 10.3109/02699052.2012.722253
- Frail older adults with minor fractures show lower health-related quality of life (SF-12) scores up to six months following emergency department discharge, Lebon, J., Allain-Boulé, N., Wilding, L., Despeignes, L.R., Batomen Kuimi, B.L., Griffith, L.E., Lee, J.S., Daoust, R., Perry, J.J., Émond, M., Sirois, M.-J., Provencher, V., Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2016, 10.1186/s12955-016-0441-7
- Performance of International Classification of Diseases -based injury severity measures used to predict in-hospital mortality and intensive care admission among traumatic brain-injured patients, Kuimi, B.L.B., Beaudoin, C., Simard, M., Sirois, M.-J., Moore, L., Gagné, M., Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 2017, 10.1097/TA.0000000000001319
- National survey of emergency physicians to define functional decline in elderly patients with minor trauma, Perry, J.J., Wilding, L., Lee, J.S., Sirois, M.-J., Émond, M., Taljaard, M., Brehaut, J., Abdulaziz, K., Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2015, 10.1017/cem.2015.37
- Trauma centre outcome performance: A comparison of young adults and geriatric patients in an inclusive trauma system, Lavoie, A., Sirois, M.-J., Turgeon, A.F., Moore, L., Injury, 2012, 10.1016/j.injury.2011.02.010
- Perceived mental health and needs for mental health services following trauma with and without brain injury, Lavoie, A., Sirois, M.-J., Ouellet, M.-C., Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2009, 10.2340/16501977-0306
- Frailty and health services use among Quebec seniors with non-hip fractures: A population-based study using adminsitrative databases, Jean, S., Morin, S.N., Guertin, J.R., Gamache, P., Sirois, M.-J., Fillion, V., BMC Health Services Research, 2019, 10.1186/s12913-019-3865-z
- Is the Drug Burden Index Related to Declining Functional Status at Follow-up in Community-Dwelling Seniors Consulting for Minor Injuries? Results from the Canadian Emergency Team Initiative Cohort Study, Émond, M., Carmichael, P.-H., Hilmer, S., Reeve, E., Kouladjian-O’Donnell, L., Sirois, C., Giroux, M., Sirois, M.-J., Simard, M., Kröger, E., Drugs and Aging, 2019, 10.1007/s40266-018-0604-9
- Measuring frailty can help emergency departments identify independent seniors at risk of functional decline after minor injuries, Émond, M., Wilding, L., Pelletier, M., Lee, J., Veillette, N., Daoust, R., Perry, J., Griffith, L., Sirois, M.-J., Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2017, 10.1093/gerona/glv152
- Regional differences in rehabilitation needs, rehabilitation access, and physical outcomes among multiple trauma survivors, Lavoie, A., Dionne, C.E., Sirois, M.-J., American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2009, 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31819c592f
- Understanding the positive outcomes of discharge planning interventions for older adults hospitalized following a fall: a realist synthesis, Kergoat, M.-J., Sirois, M.-J., Veillette, N., Obradovic, N., Menear, M., D’Amours, M., Provencher, V., BMC Geriatrics, 2021, 10.1186/s12877-020-01980-3
- Mobility assessments of geriatric emergency department patients: A systematic review, Emond, M., Sirois, M.J., Perry, J.J., Yadav, K., Eagles, D., Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2018, 10.1017/cem.2017.46
- National survey of geriatricians to define functional decline in elderly people with minor trauma, Brehaut, J., Sirois, M.-J., Wilding, L., Lee, J.S., Émond, M., Taljaard, M., Perry, J.J., Abdulaziz, K., Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 2016, 10.5770/cgj.19.192
- Fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults presenting to the emergency department for minor injuries: Impact on return to the ED and future falls, Émond, M., Brousseau-Turcotte, A.-A., Carmichael, P.-H., Hegg, S., Worster, A., Daoust, R., Lee, J., Perry, J.J., Sirois, M.-J., Lanoue, M.-P., Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2020, 10.1017/cem.2020.383
- Evaluating trauma center process performance in an integrated trauma system with registry data, Sampalis, J.S., Belcaïd, A., Amini, R., Sirois, M.-J., Lavoie, A., Moore, L., Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock, 2013, 10.4103/0974-2700.110754
- Cumulative incidence of functional decline after minor injuries in previously independent older Canadian individuals in the emergency department, Allain-Boulé, N., Moore, L., Camden, S., Dionne, C., Morin, J., Daoust, R., Perry, J., Ouellet, M.-C., Émond, M., Sirois, M.-J., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2013, 10.1111/jgs.12482
- Influence of socioeconomic status on trauma center performance evaluations in a Canadian trauma system, Lavoie, A., Murat, V., Sirois, M.-J., Turgeon, A.F., Moore, L., Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2011, 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2011.05.007
- Preventing avoidable incidents leading to a presentation to the emergency department (ED) by older adults with cognitive impairment: Protocol for a scoping review, Stocco, S., Rose, K., Lacasse, F., Sirois, M.-J., Egan, M., Veillette, N., Gagnon-Roy, M., Généreux, M., Provencher, V., BMJ Open, 2016, 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009818
- Return to the ED and hospitalisation following minor injuries among older persons treated in the emergency department: Predictors among independent seniors within 6 months, Emond, M., Lang, E., Worster, A., Griffith, L., Daoust, R., Perry, J., Moore, L., Lee, J., Sirois, M.-J., Age and Ageing, 2015, 10.1093/ageing/afv054
- Performance of international classification of diseases-based injury severity measures used to predict in-hospital mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Sirois, M.-J., Batomen Kuimi, B.L., Beaudoin, C., Moore, L., Gagné, M., Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 2016, 10.1097/TA.0000000000000944
- Learning Integrated health system to mobilize context-adapted knowledge with a wiki platform to improve the transitions of frail seniors from hospitals and emergency departments to the community (LEARNING WISDOM): Protocol for a mixed-methods implementation study, Researchers, N.O.C.E., Chandavong, S., Fleet, R., Émond, M., Sirois, M.-J., Dallaire, C., Brousseau, A.-A., Witteman, H.O., Bert, L., Huot-Lavoie, M., Kroon, C., Chouinard, J., Paré, D., Melady, D., Denis, J.-L., Légaré, F., Ghandour, E.K., Pelletier, I., Couturier, Y., LeBlanc, A., Morin, M., Sinha, S., Smith, P.Y., Rivard, J., Archambault, P.M., JMIR Research Protocols, 2020, 10.2196/17363
- Evaluating trauma center structural performance: The experience of a Canadian provincial trauma system, Emond, M., Le Sage, N., Murat, V., Swaine, B., Sirois, M.-J., Lavoie, A., Moore, L., Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock, 2013, 10.4103/0974-2700.106318
- Effets du Lifestyle Redesign chez les aînés : une recension systématique, Levasseur, M., Sirois, M.-J., Trépanier, J., Lévesque, M.-H., Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2019, 10.1177/0008417419830429
- Functional and cognitive decline in older delirious adults after an emergency department visit, Sirois, M.-J., Lemire, S., Morin, M., Lamontagne, M.-E., Berthelot, S., Daoust, R., Gouin, É., Pelletier, M., Voyer, P., Carmichael, P.-H., Boucher, V., Nadeau, A., Émond, M., Giroux, M., Age and Ageing, 2021, 10.1093/ageing/afaa128
- Correlates of cognitive functioning in independent elderly patients discharged home from the emergency department after a minor injury, Émond, M., Allain-Boulé, N., Camden, S., Provencher, V., Wilding, L., Daoust, R., Perry, J., Morin, J., Gagné, M.-E., Beaulieu-Bonneau, S., Sirois, M.-J., Ouellet, M.-C., International Psychogeriatrics, 2016, 10.1017/S104161021600065X
- Erratum to: Frail older adults with minor fractures show lower health-related quality of life (SF-12) scores up to six months following emergency department discharge [Health Qual Life Outcomes, (2016), 14, 40] DOI: 10.1186/s12955-016-0441-7, Lebon, J., Allain-Boulé, N., Fillion, V., Wilding, L., Despeignes, L.R., Kuimi, B.L.B., Griffith, L.E., Lee, J.S., Daoust, R., Perry, J.J., Émond, M., Sirois, M.-J., Provencher, V., Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2016, 10.1186/s12955-016-0464-0
- Predicting discharge of trauma survivors to rehabilitation: A sampling frame solution for a population-based trauma-rehabilitation survey, Dionne, C.E., Lavoie, A., Sirois, M.-J., American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2007, 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31806e84d2
- Functional impact of a minor thoracic injury an investigation of age, delayed hemothorax, and rib fracture effects, Le Sage, N., Camden, S., Vanier, L., Bergeron, E., Daoust, R., Chauny, J.-M., Guimont, C., Sirois, M.-J., Emond, M., Annals of Surgery, 2015, 10.1097/SLA.0000000000000952
- Impact of Transfer Delays to Rehabilitation in Patients with Severe Trauma, Dionne, C.E., Lavoie, A., Sirois, M.-J., Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2004, 10.1016/j.apmr.2003.06.009
- Response to Canbaz and Colleagues, Émond, M., Neveu, X., Provencher, V., Sirois, M.-J., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2016, 10.1111/jgs.13903
- Long-term functional outcome of older adults after a traumatic brain injury, Simard, J.-F., Boivin, K., Ouellet, M.-C., Sirois, M.-J., Lecours, A., Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 2012, 10.1097/HTR.0b013e31823b2385
- Preventing emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalisations of older adults with cognitive impairment compared with the general senior population: What do we know about avoidable incidents? Results from a scoping review, Provencher, V., Egan, M., Sirois, M.-J., Veillette, N., Généreux, M., Hami, B., Gagnon-Roy, M., BMJ Open, 2018, 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019908
- Is Cognitive Function a Concern in Independent Elderly Adults Discharged Home from the Emergency Department in Canada after a Minor Injury?, Émond, M., Allain-Boulé, N., Camden, S., Provencher, V., Wilding, L., Daoust, R., Perry, J., Morin, J., Beaulieu-Bonneau, S., Sirois, M.-J., Ouellet, M.-C., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2014, 10.1111/jgs.13081
- Feasibility, Acceptability and Effects of a Home-Based Exercise Program Using a Gerontechnology on Physical Capacities After a Minor Injury in Community-Living Older Adults: A Pilot Study, Aubertin-Leheudre, M., Daoust, R., Émond, M., Sirois, M.-J., Agnoux, A., Martel, D.D., Lauzé, M., Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 2018, 10.1007/s12603-017-0938-8
- A comparison of Methods to obtain a composite performance indicator for evaluating clinical processes in trauma care, Émond, M., Le Sage, N., Sampalis, J.S., Lapointe, J., Bourgeois, G., Belcaid, A., Sirois, M.-J., Lavoie, A., Moore, L., Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 2013, 10.1097/TA.0b013e31828c32f2
- Comparison of functional outcomes in elderly who have sustained a minor trauma with or without head injury: A prospective multicenter cohort study, Le Sage, N., Tardif, P.-A., Boucher, V., Allain-Boulé, N., Mercier, E., Berthelot, S., Verreault, R., Ouellet, M.-C., Perry, J.J., Lee, J., Lang, E., Griffith, L.E., Daoust, R., Sirois, M.-J., Émond, M., Brousseau, A.-A., Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2017, 10.1017/cem.2016.368
- Frailty Assessment to Help Predict Patients at Risk of Delirium When Consulting the Emergency Department, Émond, M., Voyer, P., Berthelot, S., Pelletier, M., Gouin, É., Daoust, R., Boucher, V., Sirois, M.-J., Giroux, M., Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2018, 10.1016/j.jemermed.2018.02.032
- General Practitioners’ Clinical Impression in the Screening for Frailty: Data From the FAP Study Pilot, Vellas, B., Soto, M., Rolland, Y., Pédra, M., Nourhashémi, F., Lagourdette, C., Fougère, B., Delrieu, J., Bouchon, L., Boccalon, H., Vidal, M., Vergnes, E., Subra, J., Stillmunkes, A., Souyri, J.-L., Rico, B., Rastrelli, J.-L., Oustric, S., Gaillard, C., Escourou, B., Dutech, M., Cot, S., Combier, M., Gendre, C., Chicoulaa, B., Burguier, C., Boyes, J.-P., Boyer, P., Boyer, V., Bourgeois, O., Blanco, J., Bismuth, M., Becq, J.-P., Bayart, M., Barberan, E., Baillou-Découard, M., Ané, S., Vellas, B., Oustric, S., Nourhashémi, F., Escourrou, E., Chicoulaa, B., Batomen-Kuimi, B.-L., Carmichael, P.-H., Sirois, M.-J., Fougère, B., Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2017, 10.1016/j.jamda.2016.11.008
- Post-acute care referral and inpatient rehabilitation admission criteria for persons with brain injury across two Canadian provinces, Lam Wai Shun, P., Lamoureux, J., Turgeon-Fournier, A., Sirois, M.-J., Marshall, S., Lavoie, A., Bayley, M., Messier, F., Swaine, B., Cullen, N., Disability and Rehabilitation, 2018, 10.1080/09638288.2016.1262911
- Painful memories: Reliability of pain intensity recall at 3 months in senior patients, Del Fabbro, E., Émond, M., Chauny, J.-M., Paquet, J., Lang, E., Worster, A., Griffith, L.E., Perry, J.J., Lee, J.S., Sirois, M.-J., Daoust, R., Pain Research and Management, 2017, 10.1155/2017/5983721
- Decline in activities of daily living after a visit to a Canadian emergency department for minor injuries in independent older adults: Are frail older adults with cognitive impairment at greater risk?, Emond, M., Allain-Boulé, N., Neveu, X., Camden, S., Ouellet, M.-C., Sirois, M.-J., Provencher, V., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2015, 10.1111/jgs.13389
- Depression in the First Year after Traumatic Brain Injury, Laviolette, V., Giguère, M., Roy, J., Swaine, B., Moore, L., Turgeon, A.F., Savard, J., Sirois, M.-J., Beaulieu-Bonneau, S., Ouellet, M.-C., Journal of Neurotrauma, 2018, 10.1089/neu.2017.5379
- The burden of hospitalized hip fractures: Patterns of admissions in a level i trauma center over 20 years, Pelet, S., Cote, M., Sirois, M.-J., Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 2009, 10.1097/TA.0b013e31818cc1cc
Contribution à l'enseignement aux cycles supérieurs
Étudiant(e)s dirigé(e)s*
Depuis 2009- Marianne Giroux - Doctorat - En cours
- Audrey Desjardins - Maîtrise avec mémoire - En cours
- Mathieu Gagné - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2016/09
- Vanessa Fillion - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2018/01
- Laurence Fruteau de Laclos - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2019/09
- Joannie Blais - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2023/01
Encadrement d'étudiant(e)s
Direction de recherche dans les domaines suivants :
- Épidémiologie
- Santé publique — Santé communautaire
- Sciences cliniques et biomédicales
En savoir plus sur les programmes
Disponibilité d'encadrement d'étudiant(e)s
Ce (cette) professeur(e) est présentement à la recherche d'étudiant(e)s.
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